⌜ six ⌝

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Jungkook sniffled, wiping off his tears with his hands. He feels so lightheaded as he stood up from the floor after crying for hours.

He hissed because of his pounding headache. He drank some ice water before going to his bedroom. It’s already mid night and Taehyung hadn’t came back to his apartment.

Jungkook was already tired after what happened and he needs some rest but Taehyung was still outside, and he was worried about him which kept him up from falling asleep.

Cold water splashed over his face, trying to washing off his tiredness and sadness. He wiped the remained water droplets from his face with a towel while walking out of his bathroom.

He sat over his bed and take out his phone, dialling Taehyung’s number which was already switched off. He laid down on his bed, thinking about everything that Taehyung said to him.

Tears flowed down as he recalled how Taehyung was looking so upset and hurt by his words. He accused him for nothing. Insecurities possessed him which was why he acted like that.

Jungkook never liked to yell or fight with Taehyung because it makes both of them upset and Jungkook never wanted it.

Jungkook didn’t realise when he fallen asleep while crying to himself.

Why can’t he just live happily.

The pain was still there, eating him and hammering on his mental health. They became so attached to each other that it feared him to even think about letting each other go. The fear of; never seeing each other, never talk to each other after breaking things off or even moving on from each other. It scared them to death.

Jungkook’s eyelids flickers open when he felt a warm duvet over his body, a warm pair of lip placed over his cold forehead.

He let out few squeaks of confusion before opening his eyes. “Taehyung?” he mumbled in a small voice but sighed when the door creak closed.

Jungkook quickly climbed off the bed, grabbing the duvet cover with him before he left his room. He didn’t realise he fell asleep for 4 hours as it was past 5 in morning when he glanced over his wall clock while walking to the living room.

Jungkook sighed in relief as when he spotted Taehyung who lying on his couch with arm over forehead.

“Tae?” he ambled over Taehyung with the duvet cover in his hands.

Taehyung removed his arm when he heard the soft and delicate voice. His gaze met with Jungkook who looks so adorable as the male laid on couch with him, settling down over couch.

“You haven’t sleep yet?” Taehyung asked, embracing the boy into his arms who cuddles onto him.

“No.” Jungkook mumbled, placing his head on Taehyung’s chest, listening to his every heartbeat.

Taehyung nuzzles his nose against Jungkook’s head, tightening his grip around the boy to hold him closer. 

Jungkook clutched over Taehyung’s shirt, slightly sniffing–

“Why did you smoke, Taehyung? You promised me that you wouldn't continue to doing it.” He muttered, looking up to Taehyung whose eyes were closed.

“I guess I broke it.” Taehyung said nonchalantly.

Another peaceful silence before Jungkook let out a sob onto Taehyung’s chest.

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