⌜ one ⌝

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“You should probably sleep now.”

Taehyung heard, loosening up his tie. He hummed softly before turning his heels to walk into his room. His polished black shoes squeaked against the polished marble floor of his mansion.

“How about your lunch, young master?”

“I’m tired, yan! Just leave me alone.” Taehyung snapped, furrowing his brows in frustration. He needs sleep. A lot of sleep. He went to aboard for some special rendezvous for different Mafia leaders, and as he was soon to be Mafia leader of their gang. He had to attend the meeting (even forcefully).

“Yan, leave for now.” Another voice popped into his room as a man, aged and in formal attire walked into Taehyung’s room.

Yan nodded and immediately crept out of the room.

“Young master, your dad’s been-”

“I don’t want to deal with his shit right now. I also don’t want to hear anything. I’m not in my right state. I didn’t get any sleep for straight 48 hours. I’m exhausted and frustrated,” Taehyung stated. “Leave me alone.” He mumbled.

He took out his blazer, heaved it on somewhere on floor. He took off his shoes and plopped himself on his comfy bed after a long time.

“But young master, it’s imp-”

“Leave, Robin. You need some rest too.” Taehyung mutters, closing his eyes.

Robin sighed and left Taehyung’s room.

“Yan, you know young master didn’t mean to-” Robin began when he spotted Yan who was instructing other maid or servants of the mansion for their work.

“I know,” Yan smiled. “He’s tired. I can understand the frustration, after all, he’s new to these things. He always hate to go to those meetings and now master kim’s putting a lot of pressure on him.”

Robin nodded approvingly.


The phone buzzed against Taehyung’s thigh as he didn’t take off his pants and the phone was inside of his pocket. He groaned, shoving his hand into his pocket to take out his phone.

He glance at his phone screen.

“What the–” Taehyung paused. The scowl that pasted on his face turned into a small grin. “-fuck.” He mumbled and sat up on his bed.

Taehyung’s eyes glued on the screen of his phone as the blue light was illuminating upon his face. He forgotten about his tiredness and immediately climbed off the bed.

He quickly texted back the person and chucked the phone on bed.


i missed you <3 wanna meet you in our place


                                                  on my way

Taehyung carded his slender fingers through his messy grey hair while staring at his reflection on mirror, bangs fell onto his forehead, covering his eyes slightly. His face was screaming, I need some sleep but he doesn't care about anything or about his outfit for now. His boyfriend is more important to him.

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