⌜ five ⌝

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long chap ahead! 😽


Jungkook felt an uneasy twist in his stomach when his eyes saw the sight which he wasn't supposed to be.

Jealousy bubbled into him as he clenched his fists. He's been super upset upon Taehyung's distant behaviour for past few weeks and the scene he saw wasn't helping him. Everything was overwhelming for him right now.

He's a bad boyfriend, he admitted it. He never comforted Taehyung when he was going through a hard time like he should because Taehyung doesn't like to share his problem with him and Jungkook never forced him into tell things which would make him uncomfortable.

He trust Taehyung so much, but Taehyung doesn't trust him as much as he do.

Wasn't he enough for him? Is this why Taehyung being so distant from him? Why'd Taehyung lie to him even if he went to meet a just friend or someone? Didn't he tell him he was in class?; thousands of insecurities and possibilities of cheating was revolving over his mind.

Why can't he just live happily? Why is it always him? He was enjoying with Hoseok in the mall, enjoying his mint chocolate ice cream and appreciating mint chocolate buddies time. He was so happy a few minutes ago. Can't he just ignore this, like it never happened in front of him. Taehyung never look this calm when someone kissed him-

"Hey, don't assume things, alright? Talk to him."

"There's nothing to talk, Hobie!" He let out, feeling so fucking upset with himself.

If he could be better for Taehyung, then maybe Taehyung wouldn't do that to him. Why can't he just being perfect.

"Didn't you see that!?" Tears rushed to his eyes as he couldn't control himself. He just broke down.

"Hey! Why are you crying? We didn't hear anything from his side. Don't cry," Hoseok comforted him, hugging the fragile body.

Why it always him? Jungkook's eyes sight began to getting blurry as he sobbed hard into Hoseok's chest.

"Hey, Jungkook, can you hear me? Breath properly, don't cry- breath in-" Hoseok caught Jungkook in his arms.

"What if h-he leave me!?" Jungkook let out, controlling his cries.

Hoseok hesitated. "No, kookie. He'd never do that, right? You have to talk to him."

Jungkook nodded with teary eyes.

Why it always him?

Taehyung had lunch with his family as per his father's order. He got another lecture from his mom for not attending his training sessions. He just wanted to leave the mansion as soon as possible and go to his boyfriend's apartment to cuddle him.

His mind was clouded with Jungkook's face whole the time as he knew Jungkook would be mad at him for what happened in the morning. Jungkook doesn't deserve that, he thought and gaze up his father who was talking to his mom about something which he wasn't interested in.

He yelped when someone kicked him on leg.

"Heard, you still go to shooting sessions. Such a baby boy." Shea taunted, while eating an apple.

Taehyung scoffed. "Not everyone is like you." He said and kicked her on leg as well.

Somehow he got out of the mansion. It was already late, so he took his car to drove off to his boyfriend's apartment.

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