⌜ fourteen ⌝

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Jung Eun-Soo. Everyone feared the man as he was one of the infamous members of a notorious gang. Recent news has been spreaded that their rivals are trying hard to reach for him. 

To kill the next heir of Gang Kim aka Kim Taehyung. 

"Hands up. Don't even try to act smart." 

Taehyung gulped and closed his eyes before raising both of his hands as he felt the tip of the gun pushed further to his clothed back. 

"Turn around." 

Another instruction caused him to turn around with hands up in the air — already surrendering as he doesn't have any choice. He opened his eyes, looking at them. He was alone. 

Was he so engaged in talking with Jungkook that he didn't notice someone's presence behind him? 

"Oh." Eun-Soo smirked. "Kim raised you so well." 

Taehyung didn't flinch at the poisonous smell of the cigarette which was coming from the man. His entire body was painted with tattoos and he was larger than him in size. A gun was pointed at his forehead while he stared at him blankly. 

"Too bad—"

"Leave me go. I won't hurt you." 

Eun-soo raised an eyebrow at Taehyung. Before letting out a laugh. 

"You think it is that easy, Kim. Y'know what's your killing price? One head and they are paying millions for it," Eun-Soo began, eyes wide while lips holding a big smile like a maniac. 

"Your dead body is worthy of taking me to the top leaders." 

Taehyung's expression flickers as he panics internally. In his entire life span, he never had met such men. His father looked after them. He was protected in the huge mansion. Living under with many guards. He let out a shaky breath as Eun-Soo pushed the gun against his forehead, aiming to shoot him right away. 

"You won't be able to get away from here." 

"Oh, Kim. You're so funny. My men took care of other men of yours." 

"Yoongi?" Taehyung uttered, fearfully. Is he alive? He glared at the man, suddenly feeling the anger building inside of him. The shooting place is one of the safest places as it was surrounded by so many guards. 

"Yoongi Hyung!" Suddenly Taehyung yelled, looking behind at the man who immediately turned back, giving him the opportunity to take out his own gun. He's not going to die without trying. 

"Such a shame." Eun-soo growled as he felt the gun on the back of his head. 

"Put the knife down or I'm shooting you." Taehyung threatened, holding the gun steadily. 

"Eh, it's empty. Dumped all of the bullets into that friend of yours, he wasn't letting me go without any trouble." 

For a second, Taehyung's expression flickers to something unrecognizable before his eyebrows knitted together as his hand began to shake from the scenario that was creating in his mind. 

"You killed him?!" He felt his heart burning from imagining what would've happened to Yoongi. He pointed the gun and tried to shoot the man but nothing happened. 

An unimpressed tsk escaped from Eun-Soo before his hand wrapped around Taehyung's neck and pinned him against the hood of the car. 

"I actually expected something challenging but you're not even average of what I have been imagining," Eun-Soo didn't put much effort as he squeezed Taehyung's throat whose face suddenly turned blue as his lungs pleaded for air. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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