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The memory of what Justin did to her flashed into my head a short seconds before I heard someone behind me. " Alyssa? You okay? ".
I turned around and saw Jeff. Jeff Atkins. The best baseball player in our school. My other best friend aswell. Jeff wasn't like the rest of the guys who uses girls. He never hang's with the other's unlike Zach, Scotty and Montgomery. " Does it look like I'm fine to you, Jeff? " I said while a tear rolled down my cheek. Jeff leaned in and hugged me for a few seconds. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. " Alyssa you're one of the strongest people I know...You'll get thru this. " He said trying to be comforting. I smiled at him as Montgomery joined us.

" Hey Ally, I'm sorry for what happend to Hannah..." he said sounding all hurtful. " You weren't back then when she was alive! " I snapped while walking away from them into the girls bathroom. I hid in one of the bathrooms stalls and sobbed. Sobbed for my best friend's death, sobbed for the on and off friendship me and Montgomery had, sobbed for how stupid I was who couldn't see Hannah was so hurt by the mean comment's that lead her to do what she did.
" Alyssa?! I know you are in here! I need to speak with you please! " a voice said. That voice belonged to Montgomery De La Cruz who also had the nickname Monty. Me and Monty had an on and off friendship due to his anger issues and to the horrible stuff he did to the other kids at school.

I walked out of the bathroom seeing him leaning against the wall to my left side. " Alyssa,I am truly sorry for Hannah even iff it doesn't look like it. " he said again. In that moment I couldn't speak...instead tear's were forming in my eyes. I nearly collapsed to the floor but Monty caught me as soon as possible. I cried into his shoulder as he hugged me saying it's gonna be okay.
Jeff had our attention and looked at Monty in surprise. Iff you didn't know. No one could had guessed that Montgomery De La Cruz was gonna comfort a crying girl in the hallway of our school.

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