Chapter 1: About the Red Hood

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The Headmasters of Hero Academy have ordered a meeting with their staff, the pro heroes, Qrow, Winter, Night Raid and the students of Hero Academy to discuss the topic of great importance.

"We're extremely grateful you all could arrive. Now, the reason we called you all here is about a vigilante." Ozpin explains. "Oh, you mean the Red Hood, right?" Izuku asks as the Headmasters nod their heads in confirmation.

"Indeed. The Red Hood has been striking nearly everyone: heroes, villains, everyone. The Red Hood is extremely dangerous and extremely violent. He shows no mercy to anyone as he ruthlessly kills anyone that stands in his path." Nezu explains as everyone, excluding the Headmasters, shivers at this information.

"So, what kind of super power does the Red Hood have? A Semblance? A Sacred Gear? A Quirk? A Teigu?" Ruby asks. "Actually, the sources we gathered from the video cameras of his known attacks makes us believe that the Red Hood is actually powerless." Sirzechs explains as everyone, except the Headmasters and a certain bunny, were shocked at this piece of knowledge.

Whispers and talks amongst the students started as the teachers grew immediate concern of this matter. "So what, this Red Head is nothing but a powerless freak! An inferior species of human compared to us humans with powers!" Issei arrogantly proclaim.

"Issei, the Red Hood has killed many super powered warriors during his time as a vigilante, half of them being more powerful than you. Don't let your pride and arrogance get the better of you!" Sirzechs scolded as Issei shrunk.

"Do we have any ideas who this Red Hood vigilante is?" Weiss asks as the Headmasters shook their heads. "We're afraid not. We checked all possible candidates who has the following: powerless, have advanced weapons training, military experience and holds a grudge against the sides of both light & dark." Najenda explains

"Speaking of the side of darkness, what kinds of damage is the Red Hood doing?" Asia asks. "Well, he first started gathering people from off the streets to supply him weapons, fortune and ammunition. Then, he started attacking small gangs who didn't join him. And now? He's wiping out all of the big criminal organizations, with Nawatsuna being the latest." Ozpin answers.

"And I'm guessing the justice side are also suffering too?" Akame asks as Najenda nods in confirmation. "Indeed, if not worst. He seems to expose heroes of their greatest sins and crimes to make them the enemies to the public. The next thing he does to them is storming their agencies on his own, killing every single employed worker that he sees. And just for his sick, twisted kick of it, he kills the hero in charge of the agency, decapitates them and leaves their heads on a metal pole in front of the agency as a warning with his insignia branded on their foreheads." She explains as everyone shivers in fear and worry at this new found information.

" She explains as everyone shivers in fear and worry at this new found information

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"And that's not even the worst part of it. The public are actually supporting his actions of murder, believing that he's preforming more good to this city then we ever could." Ozpin says as everyone was in complete shock at this.

"But Headmasters, killing is wrong! Heroes must not take the life of any living being, regardless of their actions!" Iida exclaims while activating his karate chop action.

The Headmasters sighs in a depressed tone. "We tried telling them that, but one of them said this to us: 'Why are greedy & terrible people allowed to run wild while the so called 'heroes' just let them off without punishment and consequence? The Red Hood is the symbol of judgement & justice and should be allowed to continue his business in putting down the monsters.'" Ozpin explain as the students, teachers and pro heroes were shocked at this.

"But can't they see that locking those people up can help them reform them?" Jiro asks with a sad expression on her face. "I'm afraid they believe otherwise." Nezu says.

Ozpin then decides to end the meeting. "The meeting will be adjourned until further notice." He says as everyone except the Headmasters left the room.

The Headmasters looked towards Ozpin's direction as he holds up a photo. They took a look at the photo as their hearts break. It was an old photo of Y/n, before the events happening that turned him into the Red Hood.

"Everyday I placed his death on my shoulders, even though we all have the same guilt. But I vow that one day we'll find Y/n, bring him back and make up for the suffering he went through because of our own foolishness and blindness." Ozpin mourns.

"Agreed. It's been my dream to restore the hero's true meaning to society by introducing a hero that doesn't rely on superpowers to save people. But now that dream is dead and the suffering of innocents still continues because of corruption." Nezu mourns alongside Ozpin.

"The boy showed great promise. He would even sacrifice his freedom to save Rias, the very same person who hurts him everyday, from an arranged marriage by offering himself in her place. I know I can't bring back the dead or change the past, but I will do everything in my power to make it up to Y/n." Sirzechs mourns as well.

"Kid was one of the rare students to not be a perverted idiot. If I had to start over, I would change anything, just for Y/n to return to us." Najenda mourns through her tough exterior.

The Headmasters had many failures, but Y/n's suffering was probably their greatest one yet. However, despite their pain and misery, they'll do anything to find Y/n and bring him back. They also plan to punish their students and teachers for their unacceptable behavior.

But what the Headmasters weren't aware of was the dark change Y/n underwent.

(Here's chapter 1 done. Some parts are a bit rushed, but that's because of me getting sleepy and wanting to go to bed. But anyways, next chapter will involve some students of Hero Academy meeting and chasing the Red Hood for the very first time.)

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