Chapter 5: Another Encounter

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I'm standing on top of the highest building in the city, looking down on the entire city. With some help to my mask's high tech that enables me to enhanced my eyesight.

So far, nothings happening.

Until I heard a fight happening nearby. I turned to the direction of the fight to see Ass Might's #1 Ass Kisser (Izuku) fighting, more like getting his ass kicked, by a gang of four heavily armored punks.

I took my guns as I hit one of the four hidden buttons on my guns. The guns transformed and combined to form a Shotgun.

Once my guns finished transforming, I jumped down from gargoyle to gargoyle to the fight

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Once my guns finished transforming, I jumped down from gargoyle to gargoyle to the fight.


Back at the fight, Izuku is being held up by his head in the grip of a large bulky man. "Who are you?" He asks through his pain. "The Fearsome Hand of Four. And All for One paid us to take you out." The large says as he prepares to kill Izuku.

But then, the sound of a Shotgun blast was heard as the large man's head exploded like a Watermelon, causing Izuku to be released from the large man's grasp.

The two men and the woman of the group turned to the direction of the blast to see Red Hood holding his smoking Shotgun. "Groovy." He says in a cool tone.

"All Might's Brat will make us rich, but giving him the head of Red Hood will give us one helluva bonus." The woman says as she prepares her swords.

She and the two other members of the Fearsome Hand charged at the Red Hood. Said protagonist hit another button on his gun as it transformed into an Assault Rifle.

 Said protagonist hit another button on his gun as it transformed into an Assault Rifle

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He fired onto the charging thugs, but their armor appears to be bulletproof. Red Hood dodges sword swings and bo staff strikes as he puts away his guns and takes out both his katana sword and crowbar.

Red Hood then blocks another sword swing with his katana as he broke her swords with his crowbar. He senses an attack happening, so he quickly moves out of the way as the attack reveals to be a laser.

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