Chapter 7.5 (Part 2): The Ops and the Hood

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Inside five different cells, lies the Ace Operatives, or the Ace Ops for short. They were some top students of Atlas Academy and Winter's hand picked private team.

But once the Red Hood took over, he threw them in cells. The Ace Ops were placed into separate cells, far away from each other, so they can't formulate a plan. The bars were also replaced with special glass that's both indestructible and soundproof. As for food and drink needs? They're automatically teleported to them.

The use of their Semblances have been neutered, thanks to the special collars they've been slapped onto them. Said collars can administrate a controlled shock if the ones who're wearing the collars have activate their Superpowers. Each shock differs from each member, since the accounts of electrical tolerance and muscle tissue have already been taken. They've also been fitted with special Eight Point Acupressure Cuffs. The cuffs becomes tighter with every arm movement of the wearer. And the use of Superpowers have been limited too because of the cuffs damping their effectiveness majorly.

Red Hood tries to persuade them to join his ranks, but they've always refused, stating that they're loyal to Atlas, not to the Red Hood. Yet the Red Hood won't easily give up.

But, today, Red Hood is certain he can persuade them into working for him and his colleagues.


Me and the Ace Ops are in the same interrogation room where Winter use to be in. Their glares are literally creating a heatwave hot enough to melt my helmet.

"Guys, Girls, listen, I'm not the enemy here. I'm apart of the solution. Now than, let's tone down the glares and act like civilized people?" I suggested. However, their glares didn't die down.

I sigh at this. "Look, you think I was just born to be this way? No, I didn't, I was made. Made by the heroes inability to do what needs to be done. They keep on thinking the world is black and white, when it's actually grey. They're heroes born from false fantasies while I'm one of reality. Every day they're responsible for the deaths, pain and suffering of other people, but take no form of responsibility, whatsoever. But I'm saving more lives then the so called 'heroes' at a faster pace and without any form of consequences. So ask yourselves this question: what kind of heroes let people suffer because they're too caught with their selfishness and greed to be true heroes?" I explain.

The Ace Ops didn't respond. I sigh as I took off my helmet. "I get why you're so hellbent on staying loyal to Atlas and Winter: you all looked up to them for protection and purpose. I was the same why too, but I realized that everything isn't what they seem to be. Either you learn fast or learn it through pain and suffering." I explain as the Ace Ops seem interested in what I'd said.

"I was a foolish young boy, who believed that heroes can't do anything wrong and have the best interest in humanity's safety and equality. But through my suffering because of something idiotic, my eyes were opened up to the realization that these so called 'heroes' aren't what they claim to be. Through the betrayal of society, I learned that the system values even the lives of people who have no disregard towards the lives of their own kind. I'm doing what I do, not because I enjoy it. But because it what needs to be done. People who keeps harming innocents without any signs of guilty or remorse deserves true justice. And why I kill heroes is because they've committed crimes because they believe themselves to be above the law. Now, you guys think that I'm considering myself to be above the law, but in truth, me and my allies are working on our brand of the law. We're doing the wrong things for right reasons." I explain.

The Ace Ops looked at each other with conflicting looks, probably debating on what to say. But can't seem to find the right words to say or to counter his argument. I put my helmet back on as I exit the Interrogation Room.

I turned to a nearby commander. "Have them returned to their cells and notify me of anything important based around them." I ordered as I walked away from the commander.

Normally, I would just have them killed right away. But I can't because they're good kids and great fighters. If only they weren't so loyal to Atlas. But I'm sure they'll be swayed to my side one day. Just need to be patient.

(Here's part 2 of the 7.5 mini chronicles. Next chapter will be Red Hood's talk with Willow Schnee.)

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