Chapter 4: The Rabbit, The Tiger and The Vigilante

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I was waiting outside of a placed called Rough House Road House. Apparently, it's both a battle arena and a restaurant rolled into one big crazy place were people can fight at a drop of a hat.

Yeah, surprise this place is even still operational.

Anyways, back to the real world, I noticed a limo entering the parking lot as it drive up to me and stopped. 'Wow, never thought fancyness was a thing with Miruko? Guess you learn something new everyday.' I thought in my head.

The limo's door opened up as Miruko, in her civilian's clothing, exit the limo with a white haired girl with tiger traits following shortly behind her.

(Miruko's Civilian Clothing)

(Miruko's Civilian Clothing)

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(Tora's Civilian Clothing)

Miruko, immediately, grabs me by the shoulders and forced a kiss out of me

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Miruko, immediately, grabs me by the shoulders and forced a kiss out of me. This always happens when we met each other, outside of our other lives. But, I know the perfect way to escape her: grabbing her rabbit tail.

Once I grab said tail, Miruko went from dominant and rough to submissive and timid. I smirk in victory as I let her tail go. "Honestly, Carrots, you need to stop doing this everytime we meet up." I teasingly say as she looks at me with a slight glare and a smirk of her own.

"Only if you stop grabbing my tail and calling me Carrots." She shot back. "Sorry Carrots, but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon." I say with a care free tone.

Miruko rolled her eyes as she remembered her sidekick. "Tora, meet my boyfriend, Jason Todd." Miruko introduces the girl to me. I turn to Tora as she's looking away from me with a blush on her face.

"What wrong, Stripes? Cat got your tongue?" I asked in a joking matter. Tora turns back at me with, what's suppose to be an intimidating glare, but it turned out to be very cute.

 Tora turns back at me with, what's suppose to be an intimidating glare, but it turned out to be very cute

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