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The combined scene of gunfire and blood fills the entire mansion as the Kawarazaki Mansion, one of the most prestigious places off the edge of Japan, had just been attacked by the vigilante Red Hood.

He attacked the mansion when its guard was dropped. The thugs and crooks that Nawatsuna hired didn't even stood a chance as Red Hood put them down like the dogs they are.

The Red Hood even kill his left and right hands. He didn't know their names, but he just called them Charles De Shithead and Maid Whore Slut.

Now, he turns his attention to the head of the operation himself.


Now then, Nawatsuna, your time is up. All of the innocents you turned into sex slaves, all of the people you hurt, it all ends now.

I reached his office as I see a grate nearby. 'Perfect.' I thought to myself as I placed remote explosives on the door. I then knocked on the door as I quickly, yet stealthily rushed to the grate and enter it.

I heard the door open up as I activate the detonated the explosives. The sounds of explosion and combusted humans was heard as I decide to take this opportunity to attack.

I exit the grate and jumped through the flames & open fired on the thugs that were knocked back from the explosion. The two doors I saw inside of the office bursted open as more thugs came in.

"The Red Hood!" One thug exclaims the obvious. "Get him!" Another exclaims as the thugs charge at me. "Didn't know thugs liked dying." I say as I fired at the thugs.

(Here's an example of Y/n's voice while wearing his mask)

Half of them were wearing bulletproof armor, but the other half weren't so lucky. I flipped over one of the thugs as I shot the thugs at the back of their kneecaps, an area the thugs left exposed.

They dropped to the ground, screaming in pain. "God Damn you big babies, I just shot your knees, nothing too serious." I said with annoyance at their cries.

I put my guns in there holsters as I reached into my jacket and took out a sticky grenade. I pulled the pin and tossed the grenade at one of the downed thugs. I turned my back to them and walked towards the desk as an explosion occurred behind me, painting bits of my back with blood.

I heard sniffling and crying underneath it as I sigh in disappointment. "Seriously, crying like mommy's little bitch boy? Can't believe your a dealer of illegal trades." I say in disappointment.

I grabbed the desk by both sides as I lifted it up and threw it out the window. I looked down to see the so called 'Great Nawatsuna' on the floor crying like a baby.

"Quit crying, Lard Ass!" I yell as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him next to the window. "W-W-Wait! You don't have to do this! I'll give you whatever you want! Money! Drugs! Weapons! Slaves! There all yours! Please, I'll take a copter, leave Japan, never show my face again! I'll even turn myself in! Just let me live!" He begs for his pathetic life.

I only take a flash drive from a pocket in its shirt and tucked it away in my pocket. "I'll just take your money and weapons. The slaves will be freed while the drugs will go to the same place as you." I said as I slammed him next to the windows.

"And where is this place?" He asks with slight hopefulness is his voice. "Straight to hell." I say in a cold tone as I kicked him out the window. I heard him scream on the way down until it ended with loud splat and cracks.

Rise of the Red HoodWhere stories live. Discover now