Part 10

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As I woke, everything I saw was tinted grey, and the only sound I could here was beeping and mumbling.

after a while, my eyes adjusted, only to make me realise I was in a dreaded hospital.
I hated these places.
I hated everything about them.
The smell.
The cocky nurses.
The doctors and there shiny teeth.
They never did anything for Jacob. nothing at all. They didn't give him life support or anything. just let him lay there in pain, slowly dying. I wanted to get out and run, when a small -well petite, you could say- nurse walked my way.
"Wakey, wakey!" She said, in a slight sarcastic way that made my stomach churn.
i grumbled and closed my eyes, hoping she wouldn't realise I'm awake.
"I'm not stupid, Master Brooks. I know your awake" I opened my eyes and felt my pupils squeeze as tight as they could. How did she know my name?? Kat wouldn't come here, she had a fear too and swore she'd never step foot in a hospital again, even if she was dying.
"Ahh there we go," she said, tucking my sheets in too tight for comfort.
"I want to go home" I said through gritted teeth. even though I wasn't sure where 'home' is right now.
Maybe home isn't a place or a thing. maybe it's just a feeling.
"Now, now, Jay. you've had a bad shock from the water, and we need to x-Ray you."

A shock ran down my spine.


"Where is she?" I said, under my breath but loud enough for her to hear.
"Now, dear,"
"Don't call me dear" I hissed quietly.
"What's her name?"
"You know who I'm talking about" I said, whilst Un-tucking my sheets so I could actually breath.
"Oh? That lass on the skateboard?"
I sat up, nodding for her to continue. finally, I'm getting somewhere.
I smiled with hope.
"That's confidential information, love" she said as she leant back and power walked out of the room.
I felt like punching a wall.
I layed back down and thought of a way to find her.

A few hours later, I woke up to ice being thrown over my face.
"Oh my," said that nurse again.
"I thought you where a gonna. Dear."
I stared her straight in her evil eyes.
"Well I'm fine." I hissed. "I just fell asleep."
I admit I felt lonely.
I missed Tara.
I sat up in the nightgown that I had been put in and saw a cupboard next to me with Jay Brooks written on whiteboard market. I put my finger through the hole and pulled open to reveal everything that was in bag.
My phone.
My laptop.
My penny board.
My clothes.
That gave me an idea.

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