Part 2

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Today is the first day back and, more importantly, Tara's first day.

I shut my locker door with a clang as girls always punched my locker when I was done with them. "Can Jay Brooks please come to the heads office." was now ringing all down the hallway. oh god. what had i done now.

As I walked through the door I didn't notice the girl sitting next to me, "yes, sir?"
"I would like you to show around our new student, Tara Webster" sir said gesturing to the seat next to me. I studied the face that was now looking at me. She had beautiful caramel - coloured hair that flowed to her shoulders. her eyes where a hazel brown, but a strong brown, like a really pretty strong brown but it was still a hazel colour. she had freckles lightly placed on her nose and cheeks, like me. She also had her ears pierced. I was interrupted by sir saying, "if it's ok, I want you to show her around and to take her to all her lessons. Your teachers know that you will turn up but be a little late. you also need to leave lessons 5 minutes early to come and take Tara to her next lesson which is why I'm giving you a lift pass." I smile lit up my face as I began to fiddle with my tongue piercing.
" You have 10 minutes untill the bell so I suggest you get moving, Jay. And you too Tara."

I stood up and started to walk out. "You coming then?" i smirked.

"Yeah," she said in a thick australian accent, " one sec." I smiled at her and she blushed. I held the door open for her as she left, "Now, no pranks, Jay, alright?" I got as a last demand.
"Okay, sir."

I checked the time on my green iPhone 5c and we had 5 minutes left until form time but we where aloud to skip that.
"Sooo..... I'm Jay..." I said, standing next to Tara.
"I'm Tara" she smiled, "I moved here from Australia"
"Cool. what's it like there?"
she chuckled then said, "3 words. Barbecues, warm and Kangaroos." we both laughed and walked to the stairs. although Tara was new, she still seemed to know her way around.
We walked to the stairs as got off at the first floor.
"What lesson do you have first?" I asked, my green eyes sparkling in the light.
"Art in G16.." she mumbled.
"Aha that's on the ground floor." I said," why don't we go in the lift eh?" I walked to the lift and swiped my card. I walked down the art corridor and left Tara at G16.
"Hey um if you ever get lost my number is 07984 7329*"
"Ok." she smiled, "I'll text you if I need you"
I smiled then went back to the lift as I needed to get to the top floor in 3 minutes.

Maybe this term won't be so bad after all....

*this is a number I made up so I wouldn't advise ringing

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