Part 5

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I slowly turned around, nervous of what I would find. I turned around, but no one was there. I was sure I heard someone, a girls voice, maybe it was Tara. I turned around to the grave. "AAAHHH" I screamed.
"AAHH" it screamed back.
"Oh my god, you gave me a heart attack, Tara."
"Aha same here."
"Why are you here? Why did you come and find me? What's even the point"
"Well, I saw you running down the hallway and your eyes, well, they're so green and unmistakeable, I saw them. I asked sir if I could come and find you. He said he drove past us hugging yesterday and that he saw a tear in your eye so he dismissed me from the class to come and find you."
" your brothers grave?"
"Yeah..." I said, a tear in my eye.
"Tell me about him, Jay. what was he like?"
"Like my bestfriend, not a brother."
"I need knew how sad he actually was. Mum and Dad never told me about half his medical problems, yet alone what he did to himself at night." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"Aww Jay." Tara said, ten jumped onto me and have me another hug.
It was now, or never. I thought to myself.
"I like your um hugs. they're all warm."
What did I just say.
What. did. I. Just. Say.
she giggled to herself "awh your so cute Jay." I felt my cheeks go a little red which never happened unless embarrassing stories where being told about me.
"C'mon Jay. let me take you home."
"Oh um..wha-" I got interrupted.
"Just do it Jay" she grabbed my hand so we where both standing, facing Jacob.
"Do you come here a lot?"
This is where it gets personal.
"Yeah. whenever mum and dad argue, this is my escape."
"Well. now you can have a choice of two escapes."
"You can come here or to my house, whenever. Or, we could both come here. together."
"Tara, you don't have to do this. it's fine.
"No. your welcome round my house whenever"
"Thanks" I smiled at her and latched my arms around her for a hug.
"So....should we go back home?"
We walked home and it turned out, yet again, my parents where throwing china at eachother. I'd learnt from experience not to try and stop it, I once tried but only ended up with bruises and a scar on my shoulder.

I went upstairs and put my earbuds in and turned my volume up to loud.
No use, I could still here them screaming at eachother. I wish for once they'd just shut up and think of others around them.

That's when Kat came bursting in "I've had enough, Jay. I'm going over to a friends house to stay the week and hope this blows over. I suggest you do the same to avoid this craze. I'm sneaking out the back, I don't wanna get caught again."
"Okay. I'm gonna pack. text me Katrina, let me know how you are and stuff."
"Okay" she said and came and gave me a hug with her blonde hair bouncing over her shoulders. "bye" I smiled .
I decided now was the time to pack.
I emptied my school bag and filled it with the contents of my wardrobe. I then added my phone charger and my laptop and a few snacks I found. I grabbed a carrier bag and stuffed shoes in there. I grabbed some gel and some shampoo. I shoved my phone in the back pocket of my skinny jeans and picked up my bags. I grabbed a framed photo of me, Jacob and Kat and left. I walked downstairs and I had forgotten about the whole "slip out the back and not be seen" plan.
"Jay. where do you think you're going?" I heard someone call from someone in the kitchen.
"Out where?"
"Out out"
"Look what you did" one screamed. "your making leave"
"Shut up" growled and angry voice. I opened the door, not aware that china plate was being hauled at my face. it shattered in moments and cut my lip and gave me a nose bleed, whilst smaller fragments bounced off my forehead. once everything had quietened, I slipped out and left.

I walked round the crescent 3 times not knowing why. I turned the torch on my phone and found Tara's house and knocked.
The door swung open.
"Hi. Can I pl-" where the only words that left my lips before I got interrupted by Tara.
"Oh my god!! Jay! Come in, please."
"Thanks" I said, a tear in my eye as the bruise was forming on my forehead and my lips where still bleeding.

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