Chapter 6

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Louis sits staring at his phone that's lighting up with Zayn's picture once again. He's been avoiding Zayn. Not sure how to end things romantically between them. He sighs when the phone stops vibrating on his nightstand and picks it up seeing the three missed calls and two messages all from Zayn.

The phone starts ringing once again and Louis groans loudly. He presses accept waiting for Zayn to start his rant.

"Louis? What the hell? I've been trying to call you for days now. Why are you avoiding me?" Louis sighs once again before speaking.

"We need to talk face to face"




"You're falling right back into his arms Louis! You left him because he cheated on you!" Zayn yells at Louis who's sitting across from him. Louis shrugs trying not to let the stares of the other people in the small coffee house affect him.

"Would you keep your voice down!" Louis hisses at Zayn "and it's none of your concern if I get back together with Harry. I love him. I'll always love him" Louis looks down at his half empty cup.

"What about me?" Zayn asks grabbing Louis hand. "I could be so much better for you. I'd treat you like you deserve. Like a prince" Louis takes his hand back.

"I don't love you like that Zayn. I love you. But not like I love Harry" Zayn nods before he gets up.

"Good luck. Don't call me when he hurts you again" Zayn storms out leaving Louis alone at the table. He sighs grabbing a few notes from his wallet and leaving them on the table.




Louis walks into the building before going over to the elevator, pressing the button for the fifteenth floor. It stops only a few times to let people in and out. Once on the floor Louis walks over to the reception desk. The girl smiles at him as he approaches.

"Hello. How can I help?" Louis smiles a fake smile.

"I need to see Mr Styles. I know it's his lunch break" the girls smile turns into a fake one.

"Mr Styles is busy right now. I don't know how you get your information but he does not have a lunch break till two" Louis slams his hand down on the desk.

"Listen here. I know because I'm his husband. Now tell him I'm here to see him" the girl frowns before picking up her phone. After a short call Harry walks out of his office. Grabs Louis hand then walks them back to his office. Harry locks the door before sitting back down at his desk.

"You ok Louis? It's not often you visit me at work" Louis nods sitting in one of the seats opposite Harry's desk.

"I'm fine. I think I just lost my best friend though" Louis looks down at his lap as he feels his eyes fill with tears. He will not cry.

"Oh Lou" Harry sighs going over to Louis and kneeling down in front of him. He gently grabs his face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

"What happened?" Louis explains everything. After he's finished his lengthy story he looks into Harry's eyes and smiles.

"Your eyes. I still can't get over how beautiful they are" Harry smiles one of his dimples showing.

"How about that date tonight?"




"Harry this place is amazing!" Louis comments as they're sat at the table of the Chinese restaurant Harry had made reservations at.

"I know. I've only been here a couple of times on business dinners but I love it here" Louis smiles picking up a menu then putting it down again.

"The main meals start at thirty dollars! I can't afford that" Harry frowns handing Louis the menu.

"Who said you were paying for dinner tonight. It would make me a pretty shit date If I made you pay now wouldn't it?" Louis takes the menu out of Harry's hand.

"Are you sure?" Harry looks at Louis over his menu.





After dinner Harry takes Louis for ice cream then a walk through a park close by. Harry has his hand linked with Louis as they walk down the path towards the lake.

"This has been one of the best dates. Made the top ten" Harry grins at Louis swinging their hands slightly.

"Yeah. Was nice. Would you want to do this again?" Louis stops walking and faces Harry. He gently cups Harry's cheek before leaning in and kissing him gently. The kiss lasts no more then ten seconds before Louis is pulling away.

"You know what? I think I would" Louis smiles before running off towards the lake.




When they get back to Louis flat Louis invites Harry inside for some tea. After it's made they sit on the couch watching boring late night talk shows. When Niall returns Ella home the next day using his key after ten minutes of knocking and no answer the next day, he finds both Harry and Louis cuddled up asleep on the couch both still fully clothed.

"Louis!" Niall screams making Harry fall off the couch a Louis jumps up startled. Harry groans sitting up on the floor rubbing his head while Louis giggles on the couch.

"Oops. Sorry" Harry smiles standing up before grabbing Ella from Niall and heading into the kitchen.

"Thanks Ni" Louis says before he yawns and stretches out. Niall sits down beside him a knowing smirk on his face.

"Piss of we didn't have sex" Niall points to Louis hair.

"Your sex hair says different" Louis groans covering his face.

"We made out and maybe got each other off but we didn't have sex!" Niall hums dodging a couch cushion thrown at his head.

"Sure Louis! Bye have fun!" Before Louis could jump up Niall is out the door with a yelp as Louis threw another pillow at the door.


Hello friends! I have a lot of inspiration again for this book so that's why I'm updating so much. Hopefully I can keep the updates regular now.





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