Chapter 10

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"Niall I need help" Niall rolls his eyes as he shifts in his seat.

"Obviously. That's why you're here. Now what's bothering you?" Louis sighs running a hand through his hair.

"I'm nervous. Harry and I are back together and everything has been great so far, I'm nervous to get intimate with him again" Niall nods writing things down.

"Why do you feel nervous? Tell me what you think when he brings up sex"

"Scared. I'm scared I won't be good enough and he'll go looking elsewhere again"

"You're scared he'll cheat on you again" Louis nods looking down.

"I'm terrified. I couldn't handle him cheating again" Niall nods then looks down at his papers.

"You need to think about the situations that happened before you two split. Were you distant? Did you fight a lot?" Louis nods thinking.

"I was distant with him and because of that we fought, a lot actually. Then he became distant and yeah. He cheated"

"Ok well you need to communicate your feeling and emotions to him. Don't force sex it will complicate things if you aren't ready and from what you've told me today you're not ready to be intimate with him again" Louis nods taking a deep breath.

"We've been getting cozy and we've done other things but sex is just. It's too much right now"

"You need to focus on fixing you and Harry. Yes sex is a big part of any romantic relationship but I want you to focus on you and Harry first. Ok?" Louis nods smiling.

"Thanks Niall" Niall tosses his notebook on his desk.

"No problem tommo. I'll see you when you need me again" Louis rolls his eyes before standing and leaving.




"What's this?" Harry asks when he gets home from work that night. Louis shrugs.

"I thought we could do a date night. Ella is with Niall and Liam so we have the whole night to ourselves" Harry smiles, walking over to Louis before wrapping him in a hug.

"It's perfect. So the whole night?" Harry laughs his dimples popping out.

"Yes the whole night but uh" Louis looks down at his feet refusing to look up at Harry.

"Hey. If you're not ready I won't force you. We can do other things" Louis rolled his eyes before pushing Harry away slightly.

"I don't really want to to be honest. I want this time to get to know you again" Harry nods sitting down at the table.

"This looks good. What is it?"

"Chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham served with some homemade mash potatoes" Louis sits down next to Harry waiting for him to take a bite.

"It's amazing. Where did you learn this?" Louis shrugs cutting into his own chicken.

"Found it online. Thought I'd try it" Harry nods cutting up more of his chicken.

"You should cook more often. I love your cooking" Louis smiles looking down at his plate.

"At least someone does. Our daughter called my cooking crap" Harry looks at Louis before sighing.

"Niall needs to stop cursing around Ella. She's going to be swearing fluently by the time she's six" Louis giggles taking a sip of his juice.

"I love your laugh" Harry says smiling fondly at Louis. Louis blushes slightly.

"It's nothing special" Harry sighs before gently turning Louis face so he's looking at him.

"It is special. It's what made me fall for you. Your personality too" Louis looks down before looking back up at Harry.

"How about some movies?"




Louis lays so his head is on Harry's lap as they watch movies on Netflix. They were onto the second move of the night that harry had picked and Louis was bored out of his mind. Louis sits up before standing up.

"Lou where are you going?" Louis grabs his phone off the coffee table.

"Gonna call Niall. Make sure Ella went to sleep alright. Harry grabs Louis wrist as he's about to walk off.

"You and I both know she went to sleep fine. What's wrong?" Louis groans before sitting back down.

"I'm bored. Movies are ok but I want to do something!" Harry tapped his chin before smiling.

"We could go skinny dipping. The pools clean and I've had the heater on all day" Louis nods before grabbing Harry's arm and yanking him up.

"Go grab towels. I'll meet you out there"




"I though you said you put the heater on!" Louis shrieked as he came up from under the water.

"I did" Harry chuckled grabbing Louis and hugging him to him"

"Then why is it so cold?"

"Maybe you're just a baby" Louis slaps Harry's bicep playfully.

"M'not a baby" Harry grins kissing Louis cheek.

"You are. You're my baby" Louis blushes looking down at Harry's chest.

"Can you tell me something?" Harry asks making Louis look up and nod.

"Why won't you have sex with me?" Louis shrugs looking down.

"I'm scared" Harry sighs before gently tilting Louis head up.

"Scared that I'll cheat again?" Louis's nods.

"Also that I'm not enough" Louis eyes well up with tears making Harry's heart shatter.

"Oh Lou. You are enough. I was so stupid to cheat on you. I love you. I love you a lot actually" Louis rests his head on Harry's chest.

"I just need time. Time to heal" Harry nods kissing Louis hair.

"C'mon lets go shower then go to bed"

After they shower they lay in bed together talking about everything from how they met to their wedding to when Ella was born.

"I still remember the look on your face when I told you I was pregnant. It was priceless!" Harry smiles remembering that day.

"I was shocked. But I was happy. Her birth was my favourite though" Louis rolls his eyes.

"Yeah nearly forty eight ours of labor was the best. Not. It was one of the happiest days of my life though. Besides marrying you"

"Mine too. Of course marrying you is number one" Harry kisses Louis before laying back on the bed.

"It's after midnight. We should head to bed" Louis nods yawning.

"Goodnight Harry" Louis says kissing his cheek before settling on his chest. Harry sighs happily, wrapping his arm around Louis.

"Goodnight Lou"


Sorry it's shorter then usual! Enjoy!





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