Chapter 3

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Dedicated to @stylesplus

"Oh my god! What the fuck have i done! Zayn what have i done?" Louis screams at Zayn the next morning. He ended up staying the night.

"You told Harry you would give him another chance" Zayn says sipping his tea. Louis groans at him his head in his hands.

"I've fucked up big time! He doesn't deserve another chance but Ella is being affected by all of this. We need to work it out" Louis mumbles. Zayn rolls his eyes at his overly dramatic best friend.

"Go slow then. Start off as friends then casually work up to dating. You don't have to go an marry him straight away you know" Louis looks up and glares at Zayn

"Thank you captain obvious. I'm not sure if i wanna marry him again. My last name is still Styles, so?" Louis trails off then rubs his eyes.

"I need to get Ella from Harry's then go home and clean, maybe cry in my room for a bit" Zayn rolls his eyes at his over dramatic friend.

"Louis go" Louis grumbles but grabs his keys from the bowl by the front door.

"Thanks Zayn" Zayn hugs Louis tight then kisses his forehead before letting Louis go. Zayn watches the car leave his drive way a heavy feeling in his chest because the man he loves is falling right back into Harry's arms.

"I'm so much better for him" Zayn says before going back into the kitchen to clean up.



Louis arrives at Harry's house to find the drive way empty and no answer at the front door. He calles Harry five times before he finally picks up.

"Harry" Louis says angrily.

"What? Whats wrong?"

"Oh nothing i'm here to pick up my daughter. Where the hell are you?"

"Nearly home. I took OUR daughter to see my mother" Louis sighs trying to keep his temper from getting the better of him.

"You could have told me where you were taking her. May i remind you i have sole custody of her. You have to tell me where you're taking her"

"God Louis i took her to see mum. She's my daughter too. Those custody papers mean jack shit to me"

"Just hurry up and get back so i can take her home. I need to tell you something and you have no say in it. Goodbye" Louis hangs up and waits by his car. Twenty minutes later Harry pulls up. Louis takes Ella out of Harry's car and into his own then grabs her bag before turning to face Harry,

"She's going to child care days i work from now on. She'll stay with you if i have to work at night and at the arranged weekends" Harry goes to protest but Louis holds up his hand.

"It was recommend by my therapist. That way she's interacting with other kids, learning some Independence and getting ready to be put into school environment. This should help her with her fear of being away from us with people she doesn't know and get her out of her shell a bit" Harry nods then heads over to where Ella is.

"Bye baby. I'll see you later" He kisses her forehead before walking over to Louis again.

"Sorry. Next time i'll tell you where i'm taking her. I really don't think those papers are necessary though. Its just another way of telling me i can't see her" Louis look at Harry and shakes his head.

"I have those papers so you can't run off with her. Look if were gonna fix us we have to go slow. Acquaintances, friends then possibly lovers. I'f we could be around each other without fighting would be good especially for Ell's birthday next month" Harry nods then holds out his hand.

"Friends?" Louis grabs his hand and shakes it.




Later that night when Ella is asleep Louis on the phone to Zayn.

"Look if i don't say this now i don't think i ever will. I have feelings for you Lou" The plate Louis is holding falls from his hands and into the water.

"W-What? Zayn i-"

"Just one date please? I can show you how much better i am for you then Harry"

"I don't know Zayn. This could be awkward. You've always been my best friend. But i guess one date wont hurt"

"Alright! Let me know when you're free and i'll work around that. Bye!"

"Ok bye" Louis hangs up then takes a deep breath before finishing the rest of the dishes then heads to bed to read. But his reading turn's into thinking that yeah maybe he does have feelings for Zayn but never really thought about it till now. He can see himself in a relationship with Zayn, then getting married and kids bur he can also see it with Harry and it confuses him even more.

He puts his book down then shoves a pillow over his face to scream.

"This is all fucking with my head" Louis mumbles after he finished screaming. He looks at the clock beside his bed to see its just after one in the morning and Ella should be climbing into his bed soon enough. About n hour later Louis is woken up to someone climbing into the bed and cuddling up to him.

"Daddy" Ella whispers.

"Shh go back to sleep" Louis mumbles keeping his eyes closed.



Louis wakes up the next morning to a foot in his crotch and a arm over his head. He moves Ella so she's still sleeping on the middle of the bed so she won't fall off he then goes downstairs to begin making breakfast. His phone is vibrating on the counter top when he walks in forgetting about it last night after his conversation with Zayn. He picks it up and see's two missed calls and a message all from Harry.

From: Harry

Louis i need to know what Ella wants for her birthday also where are you planning on having it because your house probably wont fit too many people inside.

Louis sighs then sets his phone aside so he can made the pancakes he promised Ella last night. After they're made and on the plates Louis goes back upstairs to get Ella.

Once they're fed and dressed for the day Louis sets Ella up in the lounge with her art supplies and puts on Frozen to keep her distracted for a while while he cleans. His phone begins vibrating again as he finishes the dishes deciding to answer it this time.


"Louis its Harry. Did you get my message?"

"Yes I've been busy this morning sorry. She wants anything to do with Frozen and some art supplies. Clothes would be nice as well. As for a location i'm not sure. I was just gonna have it here"

"Ok i'll get onto that and why don't we just have it at my house? I'll have it catered and buy her that Frozen cake she want's. Everyone wins"

"I'll let you know. I have to go i have a lot to do"

"Ok i'll talk to you later. Bye" Louis hangs up then starts up his cleaning again.


Update! Sorry this has taken like a month to update. Poor Louis doesn't know what to do now that Zayn has confessed he has feelings for Louis. Also the cover of my book was made by @stylesplus! If you ever need a cover made ask her :)





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