Chapter 18

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"Niall I'm home!" Liam says as he locks the front door to their flat. Liam look around the lounge room seeing the television and lights off. He walks into the kitchen also finding it empty.

"Niall I know you're home your car is outside" Liam walks towards the bedroom finding Niall on the floor looking at a piece of paper.

"Ni babe? Are you ok?" Niall looks up and sniffles.

"Promise me you won't leave me" Liam sits down next to Niall.

"I promise I won't ever leave you now what's the matter?" Niall hands Liam the sonogram picture. Liam takes it his eyes widening.

"You're pregnant?" Liam asks looking at Niall who nods. Liam looks at the picture of his unborn child.

"This is amazing! Oh my god Niall were gonna be parents!" Niall looks at Liam a smile on his face.

"You're not mad?" Liam shakes his head wiping the tears off Niall's cheeks.

"No I'm incredibly happy and excited. I know I've said I didn't want kids but babies have kind of grown on me" Niall rests his head on Liam's shoulder.

"I'm scared but I'm excited at the same time" Liam presses a kiss to Niall's head.

"We'll figure it out. Now let's get you off the floor and into bed. We're ordering pizza and watching Netflix. Sound good?" Niall nods as Liam lifts him into his arms then onto the bed.

"Sounds amazing"




"Louis you're thirty two weeks pregnant! Where the hell do you think you're going?" Harry shouts as Louis grabs his car keys.

"Away from you! You're slutty secretary is sending you nude picture of herself by the way" Louis says walking carefully down the stairs Harry following him.

"What? Nude pictures? Louis I have no idea what you're on about!" Louis takes Harry's phone out of his pocket and hands it to Harry who cringes.

"I have no idea why she would send me this" Louis scoffs adjusting the bag on his shoulder.

"Really? She's all over you at work. It's kind of pathetic" Louis turns to walk out the door only to be stopped by Harry again.

"She's fired, gone I'll hire someone who isn't all over me, just please stay. It's not safe for you to drive" Louis turns around facing Harry.

"Fire her now or I'm leaving, taking Ella with me and you'll never see me or your kids again" Harry sighs pressing call in his phone. He puts it on speaker so Louis can listen to the call.

"Hello Harry" Harry rolls his eyes.

"Mr Styles too you. Those pictures you sent me have crossed a line. You're fired don't bother coming in tomorrow unless it's to clean up you're desk. I'm happy with my fiancé. Good bye" before she can say anything Harry hangs up making Louis smile.

"Thank you" Harry takes the bag Louis had slinging it over his own shoulder.

"C'mon lets get you and Ella back to bed. Ella rubs her eyes still half asleep.

"We're not going now daddy?" Ella asks yawning. Louis shakes his head as Harry picks her up.

"No baby you're staying here with daddy and me ok?" She nods resting her head on Harry shoulder, her eyes slipping shut. Louis follows them carefully up the stairs going to his and Harry's bedroom to lie down. He's exhausted. As Louis lies there he feels Harry crawl into bed next to him.

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