Chapter 14

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It's been four weeks and Louis morning sickness is hitting him hard. He can't seem to keep anything down and Harry's getting worried.

"Lou" Harry says quietly as Louis tries to stay awake. He laying on his side of the bed wrapped in a blanket cocoon.

"I think we need to see a doctor. This isn't normal" Louis opens his eyes slightly and shakes his head.

"M'fine" Louis mumbles under the blankets. Harry sighs taking the blanket off the bed.

"You're not fine! You spend all day either throwing up or in bed. Something is wrong. I'm worried about you and our babies" Louis groans covering his eyes.

"Fine I'll see a doctor it it'll make you shut up" Harry smiles kissing Louis cheek.

"Thank you"


Louis is sat with Harry in the waiting room of the after hours clinic at the hospital. Harry dropped Ella and Puddle off with Niall before he took Louis in. Louis had thrown up twice while sitting waiting for the doctor.

"Louis Styles" Louis stands with Harrys help and walks through the big double doors. They follow a nurse to a room where his blood pressure and temperature is taken.

"Everything looks ok. The doctor will be in soon" Louis nods sitting back on the bed.

"I'm scared" he whispers as Harry takes his hand. Harry runs his hand through Louis hair.

"Im sure everything's fine Lou" Louis yanks his hand out of Harry's.

"Don't say that. You don't know that!" Louis eyes fill with tears just as the doctor walks in.

"Mr Styles I'm Dr Addis now what seems to be the problem?" Louis wipes his eyes then describes what's been happening.

"We'll need to do some blood work but it sounds like it might be intense morning sickness. It's quite dangerous as you can get dehydrated quite quickly and you're not eating. Well put you on an IV for fluid and move you to a ward. I want to monitor you for a few days" Louis nods gripping Harry's hand tight.

"Are my babies ok?" He whispers feeling guilty for not eating properly. Dr Addis looks over the papers in his hands.

"You're around twelve weeks right? Have you had your scan yet?" Louis shakes his head "no"

"Ok well I'll set up an ultrasound for you but I'm sure the babies are fine. I'll be back in a minute" Harry thanks the doctor the looks at Louis who's half asleep.

"You can sleep love, you need it" Louis shakes his head opening his eyes.

"No, wanna see our babies" he mumbles yawning.

"In a few more weeks we get to find out if they're girls or boys" Harry says smiling. He runs his hand through Louis hair.

"Mm what do you think they are?" Louis asks rubbing his small baby bump.

"I have no idea. I'm hoping for boys but I'll love them just as much if they're girls" Louis hums opening his eyes when the doctor returns.

"We can take you in now then we'll transfer you to a ward"


"Everything looks healthy. Both babies are growing nicely and we should be able to tell the genders in a few weeks" Louis smiles wiping his belly off. After they had printed off pictures they moved Louis up into the main hospital and into a maternity ward.

"Why am I in here? Isn't this for people who are in labor or just had a baby?" The doctor nodded looking over Louis to make sure everything was set right.

"Yes, usually but I want the midwifes to watch you closely. Now get some rest. They'll bring your breakfast in around seven in the morning" Harry thanks the doctor then focuses back on Louis who is rubbing his stomach.

"You're so cute like that" Louis looks up and smiles sleepily.

"I can't wait to feel them move. I love them so much already" Harry places his hand on Louis.

"Neither can I" Harry whispers as Louis eyes droop.

"Go to sleep or do I need to get them to make you sleep" Louis giggles then yawns.

"Is that a threat" he says before his eyes close completely. Harry runs his hand through Louis hair till he falls asleep.


"You're eating!" Harry says as Louis scoffs his oatmeal down. Louis glares at him, swallowing his food.

"I'm hungry" Louis says sipping his tea. "I haven't been able to eat in weeks without feeling sick. I'm still scared I'll bring this back up though"

"I think you'll be fine. You look much better then you did last night" Harry says sipping his coffee. Louis glares at him as he eats his toast.

"I'd like to see you have intense morning sickness. You'd be crying like a baby" Louis giggles at Harry's hurt expression.

"Heeeeey!"Harry whines "I've had gastro that was bad enough" Louis rolls his eyes finishing his tea.

"That's different Harry" Louis sighs stretching his arms above his head.

"Where's the doctor? I wanna go home. I miss my baby" Louis whines. Harry sighs at his boyfriend.

"I'm sure he'll be in soon babe, he's probably busy" Louis groans throwing his head back.

"I wanna go home! I don't like being here!" Harry tries to comfort Louis but gets his hands shoved away.

"No! Don't touch me" Louis says before trying to rip his IV out.

"Louis don't you dare! I'll go find the doctor ok? Don't pull it out" Louis huffs but leaves it alone. Harry walks out to the nurses station.

"Hello" the young nurse says looking Harry up and down.

"I'm wondering where Dr Addis is? My boyfriend wants to be discharged" her face turns red when Harry says 'boyfriend'

"I'll call for him" Harry nods waiting while she calls over the intercom for the doctor. A few minutes later the doctor walks up.

"Mr Styles, let's go see if Louis can go home" they walk back into Louis room. Harry sits next to Louis while the doctor checks him over.

"Well everything looks ok. If anything changes though come right back ok? We don't want you getting sick. If you're sick so are you're babies. I'll go get the discharge papers" Louis smiles at Harry.

"I can go home and sleep in my own bed without wires and stuff attached to me" Harry smiles kissing Louis forehead.

"Yep once I drop you off at home I'll go get Ella and Puddle then make lunch. Sound good?" Louis nods relaxing back in the bed as a nurse and the doctor walks back in.

"Alright sigh these then you'll be good to go"


"Papa I want pizza" Ella says as she walks into the house with puddle. Picks her up making her squeal.

"Really? Where the magic word?" She looks up at him and smiles sweetly.

"Please?" Harry kisses her cheek before setting her down.

"Sure princess. Go play with puddle while I put the pizza in" Harry heads into the kitchen getting one of the frozen pizzas out and setting it in the oven. He then begins making a sandwich for Louis and cutting up fruit for himself.

After lunch he takes Ella to the park with Puddle while Louis naps. They teach puddle fetch before heading home when it starts to rain.


Filler! Hope you enjoyed it anyway :)





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