Chapter 12

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Louis was laying on his bed in the spare room. He hadn't slept in the same bed as Harry since their fight a few nights ago. Ella had slept with him the night they fought then again the night after. Louis put his foot down and made her sleep in her own bed tonight.

They had been cold to one another and it was starting to stress Louis out. He groaned as he turned over onto his stomach, stretching out then pulling the covers up more.

"Louis" Harry said trying once again to get Louis to talk to him. Ella was asleep so it was the perfect time to talk.

"Please open the door Lou. We need to sort this out" when he gets no answer he sighs, his back sliding down the door.

"Fine I guess I'll just stay here then. You have to come out at some time" Louis listens to Harry ramble as he tries to coax him out of his room. Louis sighs throwing his covers off then walking towards the door. He unlocks it then slowly opens it.

"What do you want?" Harry jumps slightly not expecting Louis to open the door.

"We need to talk about this. I hate being distant with you" Louis sighs letting Harry into the room.

"Fine lets talk then" he says walking back over to his bed. Harry sits on the end of the bed while Louis sits up near the head of the bed.

"I'm sorry Lou. I didn't mean to say those things. I was just scared. Ella could have died" Harry says breaking the silence between them.

"I know what could of happened and it was making me sad. Why focus on the negative when nothing happened? She learnt her lesson and I'm never letting her in that pool again till she has swimming lessons" Harry nods grabbing Louis hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"I know. I agree with you though. She needs lessons. Lou please come back to our bed. I can't sleep without you" Louis sighs nodding.

"Ok but you're not off the hook yet. What you said really hurt me" Harry pulls Louis to his feet then kisses his cheek.

"I know and I'll make it up to you. I promise".




"Daddy why don't I have a brother or a sister?" Ella asks at dinner one night. Louis chokes on his drink and Harry on the food in his mouth.

"Ah I don't know love" Louis says after coughing a few times.

"Jenny got a little sister and she's so cute! Why can't I have one?" Louis looks at Harry who shares his wide eye shocked expression.

"Well, ah. Ella do you want a baby brother or sister" Harry asks the little girl who nods. A big smile on her face.

"Yeah! I want a sister though" Harry looks at Louis who shrugs.

"Well we don't get to pick unfortunately. But if you're really lucky you might get one" Louis taps Harry's shoulder.

"Harry don't say that!" Louis hisses. "I'm not ready for that yet and you're promising her a sibling!"

"I didn't promise her anything. Now who wants some dessert?"




It's a few weeks later that Louis brings up sex.

"Harry i think I'm ready" Harry looks up from his iPad and looks at Louis.

"Ready for what?" Louis rolls his eyes before pouncing on Harry.

"Ready for sex. Please Harry" Louis says kissing up Harry's neck.

"Are you one hundred percent sure? I don't want you to regret it" Louis shakes his head sucking on Harry's neck.

"Won't. Kiss me"




"So you finally had sex with Harry" Niall says writing things down. Louis nods a small smile on his face.

"Yeah I did. Ella was talking about baby's and I really want another one then I thought about how Harry hasn't really messed up so we had sex" Niall stops writing and raises an eyebrow at Louis.

"Wait so you talked about babies then let him fuck you. Did you use protection" Louis covers his face with his hands.

"Niall!" Louis scolds before looking down at his lap.

"No we didn't" Niall slaps Louis arm.

"Louis you idiot! Why didn't you use a condom?" Louis shrugs.


"God Niall. Harry and I spoke about it and if I get pregnant then I get pregnant. We both want another baby"

"When did you discuss it with Harry?" Louis rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Afterwards. He told me he forgot the condom so we talked" Niall nods writing more things down.

"Ok Lou it's your life I'm just here to listen and offer suggestions and guidance. Just be careful ok?"

"You've helped me a lot Niall. I know what I'm doing" Louis stands then hugs Niall.

"Thank you" Louis whispers

"See you later Tommo" Niall says before pushing Louis out of his office.




*six weeks later*

"Louis?" Harry asks walking into the bathroom finding Louis on his knees, head into the toilet throwing up.

"Oh babe" Harry says kneeling down besides Louis, rubbing his back" Louis spits into the toilet one last time before taking shaky breaths.

"Harry I need some pregnancy tests" Harry helps Louis up and over to the sink to brush his teeth.

"Do you think?" Louis shrugs brushing his teeth before spitting the foam in the sink.

"I think so this is like the third day I've thrown up. I've had cramps and I've been dizzy and tired"

"Ok do you want me to go now?" Louis nods unable to speak with the toothbrush in his mouth.




"Ok so I brought like five different brands" Harry says walking into their bedroom. Louis sits up from the bed and takes the bag.

"Thanks. I'm just gonna go take these" Louis runs into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

Louis takes three of the five tests putting them on the bathroom sink then timing ten minutes on his phone. When his phone beeps Louis jumps grabbing the first test.

"Harry!" Louis says unlocking the door and rushing out. He hands the test to Harry smiling.

"I'm pregnant!"


Hello! So it's been a while. Sorry! Hopefully you enjoy the update!





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