Divorced Daddies -Larry Stylinson mpreg a.u-

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Its been a good six months since Louis and Harry both signed the divorce papers then went to court for custody over their three year old daughter Ella. Louis had met Harry five years ago and married him six months later. Just over a year after getting married Louis fell pregnant with Ella and everything went down hill. They tried to stay together for Ella but a few weeks before she turned three Louis got the divorce papers after he found Harry in their bed with some one night stand bimbo. Ella still isn't quite sure why her daddies don't live together anymore or why she has to go to another house away from daddy to spend time with papa or why when her daddies are in the same room they begin yelling at each other. She usually cries to get them to stop.

Louis is on his way to drop Ella off before he goes to work. He managed to get a job at a fast food chain to help bring in money. Harry used to make enough to support them without having to have Louis work so he could raise Ella. Sure Louis receives a weekly child support check from Harry but it isn't enough to cover food and bills.

"Daddy" Ella says quietly from the back seat. Louis looks into the rear view mirror and smiles.

"Yes love?" He asks focusing back on the road.

"I don't want to go to papa's" Louis sighs because this is the fifth time today she's said it.

"I know you don't but i need to go to work and papa misses you. You'll have fun yeah? Maybe ask papa to take you to the zoo. I know you want to go see the new baby pandas" Louis looks in the mirror to see her nod and look out the window again. Louis sighs as he parks outside what used to be his house. He gets Ella out, grabs her bag then walks up to the front door to knock on the door. Louis breath catches when he see's Harry. He still has feelings for him.

"Hey Ella, what are we gonna do today?" She shrugs walking inside past Harry and into the lounge room. Harry frowns then looks at Louis.

"Whats up with her?" Louis sighs shaking his head.

"She hates this. Hates this whole thing Harry. Its only been six months and she's depressed. She's fucking depressed! a three year old is depressed"

"Louis why do you always make it sound like its my fault?"

"Because it is your fault Harry! You fucked some bimbo in our bed. We were married. I loved you but i guess you didn't love me"

"I was stressed! You wouldn't talk to me, you were distant and i didn't know what to do. I needed to blow off steam" Louis eyes blaze as he looks at Harry.

"You know what Harry the reason i was distant was because i was pregnant and i didn't know how to tell you. You said you didn't want any more kids, that Ella was enough" Harry's eyes widen

"Was as in-"

"I lost the baby a week later. I'm late for work" Louis walks down the drive wat to his car ignoring Harry calling him. He can't face Harry, not right now anyway.



Louis calls Harry after work saying he can keep Ella over night. Harry tries to get Louis to talk but he hangs up as soon as Harry brings it up. Harry sighs but continues to cook dinner for himself and Ella.

That night when Harry tucks Ella into her bed she asks him something taking him off guard

"Do you love daddy, papa?" Harry blinks at her then nods running his hand through her hair.

"Yes i love him more than anything"

"Then why does daddy cry all the time saying you don't love him?" Harry shrugs.

"Dunno love. its complicated but i'm gonna try and sort it out. Love you sleep well" He kisses her forehead then leaves her room to go to his own. He sits on what used to be Louis side of the bed and opens the side table draw. He hasn't looked in here, last time he did he was still with Louis. He finds a photo frame with a picture of himself and Louis, the glass smashed. A positive pregnancy test and a ultrasound picture dated to six months ago. for the first time since the divorce Harry cries. He fucked everything up.


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