Chapter 20

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"Good news Mr Styles you can go home! just remember no lifting anything heavy and to be careful walking up stairs" Louis nods as the Iv is taken out of his hand.

"What about our babies?" Louis asks wincing as the needle is taken out. The nurse disposes of the needle and Iv bag before looking over Louis chart.

"It doesn't say anything on here but I'll have one of the NICU nurses come talk to you alright? But in the meantime please sign these discharge papers" Harry takes the papers and begins signing them.

"I don't want to leave without our babies" Louis says pulling on a clean shirt Harry brought from home.

"I don't think you can control that Lou. You can still come and see them everyday of course" Harry finishes signing the papers setting them aside as a nurse walks in with a portable cot. Louis eyes widen as the nurse hands him Lucas.

"This little one can go home today with you! Oliver still needs oxygen but he should only need it for about a week" Louis nods cuddling his son close.

"Obviously keep a close watch on him and keep people who are sick away. Even a common cold could make Lucas incredibly sick" Louis nods again handing Harry the baby carefully.

"Good! I'll just go get Lucas' discharge papers for you" the nurse leaves leaving Harry and Louis alone. Harry cuddles his son close for the first time, a huge smile on his face.

"You'll need to hold him on the drive home, we'll need to get their car seats later on today and get Liam to drop Ella off if he can" Louis stands carefully pulling off his dirty sweat pants replacing them with clean ones.

"Let's go I'm having a had enough time leaving Oliver here" Harry sighs handing Louis Lucas before grabbing their bags and discharge papers.




"Welcome home Lucas" Louis says walking inside. The baby wriggles around starting to fuss before letting out a high pitched cry. Harry brings the bags inside setting them down in the lounge room.

"Oh is someone hungry?" Louis asks sitting down on one of the lounges and lifting his top. After Lucas finishes Louis burps him before walking upstairs carefully. He opens the door to the nursery and sets Lucas down in his crib. He turns the baby monitor on, taking the one he needs before heading back down to the lounge room. He sets the monitor on the coffee table the lays down turning the tv on. He watches tv for a bit before Harry walks through the front door carrying a box.

"I bought the car seats. I've got to go get the other one from the car" Harry kisses Louis forehead before running outside again. He walks back in the house shutting and locking the front door behind him. He sets the box down beside the other one then sits next to Louis on the couch.

"You ok Lou? You look a little pale" Louis nods yawning.

"I'm fine I'm just really tired. When is Ella coming home?" Harry sighs running a hand through Louis hair.

"Liam should be here with her soon. Why don't you go take a nap I'll listen out for Lucas" Louis shakes his head clutching a pillow to his chest.

"No I'll be ok I don't want to miss anything in case something happens" Harry pulls the pillow away from Louis and grabs the baby monitor.

"We can't live in fear that something is going to happen to Lucas. He's healthy the doctors wouldn't have sent him home if they thought he wouldn't be ok. Now go nap I'll wake you up in a bit ok?" Louis nods hugging Harry around his middle.

"Thank you" after Louis goes upstairs Harry checks on Lucas before going back downstairs to clean. The doorbell rings before it slams open revealing Liam and a over energetic Ella. Harry watches his daughter before looking at Liam.

"Blame Niall he fed her sweets" Harry rolls his eyes thanking Liam before closing the door when he leaves.

"Ella love we need to be quiet. Daddy and Lucas are sleeping" just as Harry finishes his sentence a cry comes from the baby monitor on the coffee table.

"Ok watch cartoons and colour ok? I'm going to go get your brother" Ella nods bouncing over to the t.v to change the channel. Harry goes up to the nursery then over to his sons crib. Harry picks him up carefully, cuddling him close as the baby settles down before starting to cry again.

"What's the matter buddy?" Harry whispers before going over to the changing table. He checks Lucas' nappy then tries his pacifier. When Lucas spits it out Harry sighs going down the hall to Louis. Harry walks in shaking Louis awake slightly.

"Lou babe wake up Lucas is hungry" Louis stirs before sitting up and yawning. Harry hands Louis the baby before going back downstairs to check on Ella.

"Ok Ella what would you like for lunch?" Harry asks kneeling down by his daughter.

"Chicken nuggets!" She cheers before going back to her drawing. Harry kisses her forehead before walking into the kitchen to pull out the box of nuggets from the freezer and the sweet potato fries. He sets them on a tray before sticking them in the oven for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes he pulls the tray out, turns off the oven and sets the food on a plate for Ella. He hands it to Ella before making his own lunch and something for Louis.

"I'm going to take this up to Daddy. Why don't you take Puddle outside for a bit? Remember to put your coat on ok?" Ella nods calling Puddle over who was sleeping on the couch. Harry takes the plates upstairs, pushing the door open with his foot. Louis is gently patting Lucas' back trying to burp him.

"I made you some lunch" Louis sets Lucas down carefully beside him before taking the plate from Harry.

"Thanks I'm actually quite hungry" Louis says taking a bite out of his sandwich. They eat talking about the babies and Ella and how she starts kindergarten next year.

"My baby is growing up" Louis says sniffling. He wipes his eyes and curses the hormones still running through his system. Harry smiles before gently picking up Lucas.

"Don't cry Lou. Here hold Lucas I'm going to get Ella. She still needs to meet her first little brother" Harry goes back downstairs calling Ella inside. Puddle goes back on the couch as Harry helps Ella take off her coat.

"Ready to meet one of your little brothers?" Ella nods excitedly, taking Harry's hand as he walks them upstairs. Once then enter the bedroom Harry picks Ella up and sets her on the bed next to Louis. Louis helps Ella hold Lucas, supporting his head as Ella holds his body.

"This is your little brother Lucas" Louis says smiling as Ella gently places her hand on Lucas' body.

"He's little. I love him!" Ella says making her dads laugh.

"You'll get to meet your other brother Oliver soon too. He's still in the hospital" Ella looks at Louis and then Harry.

"Do I have to share my toys with them?" Louis bursts out laughing making Harry laugh too.

"No they have their own toys but sharing is fun!" Louis says making the little girl huff.

"Ok daddy" Louis takes Lucas back after Harry had taken some pictures. Harry grabs Ella cuddling her close.

"Sometimes daddy and I will be very busy with the babies but daddy and I love you very much ok?" He whispers to Ella. The little girl nods cuddling Harry tighter.

"Love you and daddy" she says kissing his cheek.


Hey! Sorry it's been a while I've had writers block so sorry if this kind of sucks. Picture is of the twins car seats!





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