Chapter 4

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Louis was sat on his lounge room floor, Ella in front of him watching the t.v. He was brushing and braiding her hair. She had surprised Louis by asking if she could spend the night with Harry. Of course he had said yes and rang Harry to make sure it was alright to which Harry had agreed straight away.

He was waiting for Harry to come pick Ella up so he could then call Zayn to see if he was free for the so called date he wanted to take Louis on. Louis still a little apprehensive about the date. Zayn is his best friend and he'd hate to loose him. Zayn's been his best friend for as long as he could remember and he really doesn't want to risk their friendship.

Harry arrives am hour after Louis called. He was just finishing work then headed over to Louis flat. Harry was surprised to receive a cuddle from his daughter when he walked into the lounge room. She clung to him refusing to let go to give Louis a hug and kiss goodbye. She sat in her car seat and chatted away happily to Harry.

"Child care must be working" Harry mumbled to himself. She had only been there a week but already he could see a change in his daughter. She was coming out of her shell more and more.

When Harry pulled into his driveway he looked into his rear view mirror to see Ella looking back at him.

"What do you want to do before dinner? We have a couple of hours" Harry asked. He watched as Ella thought over options before asking.

"Can we go to the park?" Harry looked out at the sky and frowned. It was supposed to rain and the clouds looked dark and angry.

"How about we bake some cookies. It looks like it's going to rain" he heard a sigh followed by an "ok" from his daughter before he got out of the car to help her out. Once inside he picked her up making her squeal in delight before hoisting her over his shoulder then walking into the kitchen.

He set her on the counter before getting out the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. Once the cookie batter was mixed, with a little help from Ella who poured in the chocolate chips, Harry set out two baking trays lined with baking paper then stared forming the cookies. Once they were in the oven Harry took Ella into the lounge room and played dolls with her. One of his favourite things about being a dad is spending time with Ella. Watching her smile and laugh at the things he says to get her to smile and laugh. She reminds him so much if Louis.

"What's black and white and Blue?" Harry asked setting the doll down. Ella shrugged looking at Harry.

"A penguin with bruises" Harry burst out laughing slapping his knee as if he had just told the worlds greatest joke. Ella looked at him less impressed.

"Papa that was not funny! Your jokes suck" Harry frowned making the little girl giggle.

"Heyyyy! My jokes are funny" he pouted some more till the timer went off signalling the cookies were done.




Louis had just finished the box of pizza he had ordered. Zayn came over so they watched moves and ordered pizza. It felt like one of their normal hang outs accept for the fact that Zayn was cuddling him and Louis may or may not have liked it a little bit. Zayn held him close making him feel loved and safe.

"So would you go on a second date with me? One where we're not on your couch in sweats would be nice" Louis thought about it then nodded.

"Yeah of course. I had fun tonight" Zayn smiled kidding Louis cheek then the corner of his mouth before kissing him properly. Louis was a bit shocked before he kissed back. Zayn pulled away after a while of lazy kissing, a smile on his face.

"Could get used to this. You're so beautiful Lou" Louis blushed hiding his face in Zayn's neck.

"I wonder how Ella is? I miss her" Zayn cooed at Louis.

"M'sure she's fine. You trust Harry alone with her right?" Louis nodded sitting up a little.

"Of course I do. He's a wonderful father. I just, sometimes I hate having her go between homes. I really just wish we all lived in one house. Then I could see her all the time and not worry" Zayn hugged Louis close, rubbing his back as Louis tucked his head into Zayn's neck.

"It's alright babe. I wish I could say I know what your going through but I can't. I'm sure Ella is fine and I know you miss her but Harry deserves time with her too, even if he doesn't deserve it" Louis nods into Zayn's neck.

"Is it.. Is it strange that I really want another baby?" Louis suddenly asks after it had been quiet for a while. Zayn pulls Louis back shocked.

"Uh no I don't think so" Louis hums kissing Zayn's neck.

"I always wanted my kids to all have the same dad. Guess not" Zayn hums not really sure what to say.

"Guess not"




Harry's started awake by his little girls crying down the hall.

"Papa! Can't breath" she says making Harry scramble out of bed and to her room where she's trying to breath. He grabs his phone and quickly dials 999 while he rubs her back trying to calm her down and help her breath. He tells the emergency services his address and to hurry. A short five minuets later he's in the ambulance next to Ella who's hooked up to oxygen.

Harry waits patiently while doctors go over Ella's chart then check her over. She's breathing better but still has the oxygen.

"I think she had a asthma attack. She has no rash or hives and her throat didn't close completely. She'll need to be put on asthma medication. Hopefully well have no more breathing problems" the doctor smiles, shakes Harry's hand then leaves. Ella holds out her had. She's still crying. Been crying the whole time they've been there.

"Oh sweetheart. It's ok" Harry mumbles as he sits next to her on the bed and runs his ha through her hair as she cuddles into him.

"Where's daddy?" Harry continues to run his had through her hair.

"I don't know. He said he'd be here soon" just as Harry says that the door bursts open and a stressed looking Louis walks in. He rushed over to Ella and hugs her tightly.

"Oh my baby girl. Are you ok?" Ella nods cuddling into Louis.

"She had a severe asthma attack. She'll need to be on asthma medication from now on" Louis nods wiping his eyes as he cuddles Ella.

"When I got your call I was freaking out, m'not gonna lie then traffic was horrible then I couldn't find a park" Harry nods rubbing Ella's back.

"I better go" Harry says moving to get up only to be stopped by Ella.

"Papa stay? Please?" Harry sighed but nodded when he saw the littles girls face. How could he say no?

"Alright princess. I'll stay"


Hello! I'm still alive! I've had some personal issues lately and I've had writes block (eww) also I saw One Direction Tuesday night and it was freaking awesome! Anyway I hope you all enjoy the update! It's taken me forever to write. (Also I apologise for mistakes. I'm using my phone xx)





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