Under the moon: Do you love me?

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“I’m so, so, sorry, I was being stupid and I shouldn’t have said what I did and-” I cut him off.

“I love you, and I’m so sorry,” I said, “I was wrong, and I said thing that I shouldn’t have.”

“Y-you, you still love me?”

“I loved you the day we met and I’ve loved you ever since, I love you now and I’ll love you forever.” He said.

“But you said no one could ever love me?” I said.

“No one can love you except for me. Can we try to forget what we said to each other earlier?”

“Okay, I love you.”

“I love you too, forever and always.”

(The next day)

Andrew’s POV

We woke up and I had gotten sick again. I’m really annoyed that lycans get perfect immune systems and vampires get ones depending on their genetics. My genetics must really suck, if I get as sick as I do. I was really sick this time, too sick (for Adam) to let me go feeding. Lycan hunt, vampires feed.

“So I’m going to starve all day?”

“Nope, you know I couldn’t starve you, you’re just too cute, your scrawny enough as it is, you’d die.”

“So what am I going to drink, holy water?”

“No, you can drink my blood, da.”

“No I can’t, yesterday’s occurrence was purely an accident. I’m not going to hurt you like that again.” I said.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“Do you really expect me to believe that?” I asked.

“It is how vampires keep their victims from screaming and fretting, there saliva puts you in a comatose and you’re in a trance until about half an hour after they bite, that is, if they don’t kill you. But I promise I’m not in any pain when you bite me. And you can’t starve.”


“Oh and it has to last until I say you can stop.” He said.

Adam’s POV

“Fine whatever; let’s just get this over with.” He said, leaning in and biting me. I listened to that gulping sound for a long time. I said that he could stop after half an hour, but he kept drinking even after I’d told him. Drew pulled away and licked at the bite wound.

“I’m going to sleep, okay?”

“Sure, get some rest.”

I left Drew to rest and got a bandage for my neck. (Lycan don’t heal super-fast) but a fresh meal would do me good, being as how I don’t have enough blood in my body.

I went hunting in the woods and killed two white tailed deer and ate under what had slowly become a canopy of stars. I walked back home and Drew was asleep on the couch, I thought he was in the bedroom? He had blood on his clothes, did he go feeding, after I told him not to!? I woke him up.

“What is it?” He asked.

“I told you not to go feeding, that you’re not healthy enough, and even after I told you, still you disobeyed me, why, Drew, just why?”

“Because I don’t want to hurt you, even if you say you don’t feel it, I feel like a…like a monster when I drink your blood! I don’t want to take your life source from you! I’m a monster, why does it matter whose blood it is! I’m a freak, a blood sucking freak!” He said putting his head in his hands, crying.

“Look at me Drew,” I said lifting his chin, forcing him to look me in the eyes, “You are not a monster, it is nature to take something from somebody to survive, the grass take minerals and water from the soil and make it into life, sheep take the life from the grass, humans take the life from sheep, vampires take the life from humans. Humans are greedy filth, I don’t care if there life is taken, and no one does, with the exception of them of course. You are not a monster; you deserve a chance at taking life as much as all living things.” Adam said.

“Okay, thanks that helped a lot.”

“It’s true.”

When you kiss someone you really love; it feels like forever, like it will never end but when you pull away you feel like it didn’t last for two seconds. That’s how it feels when I kiss Adam…Unless of course you pull away and you’re half naked.

I feel like I have flaws that I can’t hide, flaws that he’ll hate me for; I thought he’d hate me for being a vampire but he didn’t, I thought he’d hate me for killing people but he doesn’t. I know for a fact that I have huge flaws; he can’t just pretend he doesn’t see what I see!

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