Back In Town

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"Y/n, we're going back to Beacon Hills early tomorrow morning pack your bags" your dad shouts.

"Ok" you say.

As you pack your bags you feel excited to see your mum and brother because you haven't seen them in 7 years.

*the next morning*

"Y/N WAKE UP" I hear my dad shout as he shakes me in a desperate attempt to wake me up. 

"OK, ok I'm awake" I say back in a tired tone.

We pack our bags and drive to the airport ready to endure the painful 11-hour flight to California. My anxiety takes over and for the whole of the flight I worry about seeing my family again. Although they are my family, I haven't seen them in so long and I worry that it will be awkward after not speaking to them. I drown out my intrusive thoughts by putting in my earphones and listen to some music until I fall asleep. 

I wake up just as we land and begin to exit the plane. I breathe in the warm California air thankful to finally be out of the cramped aircraft. 

We call a taxi and drive towards my old house I am now so anxious I feel like I could throw up. The closer we get the more I desperately want to be back in my bed in London and for this to all be a dream.  

"Thank you, goodbye" me and my dad say to the taxi driver as we arrive at the house. 

I inch closer to the door each step smaller than the previous. At this point I'm walking so slow that I might as well be walking in slow motion. I put my knuckles up to the door and take a deep breath in before knocking and anxiously waiting for the door to open and to be reunited with my family once again.

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