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I wake up to find myself sat in a cold and dark room chained to a metal fence. I begin to panic as one million thoughts flood my head. Where am I. Why am I here. How did I get here. I'm going to die. How will I get out. Is this a nightmare. The more I overthink the situation the more worried I get as I hopelessly try to get out of the restraint.

"Hello, is anybody there" I shout in a desperate attempt to find aid.

"HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME" I shout but I am immediately quiet as I try to make out the faint noise of footsteps.

"I'M HERE, I'M IN HERE" I scream as tears flood my eyes.

"Well, hello there" I hear a man say in a husky voice.

"Who are you and what do you want from me" I say frantically as I wonder if he's going to kill me.

"Why so many questions" he says as he chuckles to himself clearly amused by my distress.

"Let me go" I shout.

"Calm down my dear" he says, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Please just let me go" I beg wanting to wake up and for this to all just be a bad dream. "I'll do anything"

"Don't worry I'll let you go once I get what I want from your brother" he says as he turns on the lights and walks out of the room.

I only catch a quick glance at him before he disappears leaving me shivering and trapped in this dirty and old room.

*your thoughts*

How does he know Scott. What does he want from him. Will he hurt Scott. What if Scott doesn't give him what he wants will he kill me. What time is it. Has anyone even noticed I'm gone.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm and immediately regret not going to sleep earlier as I slowly start to get ready for school. After a lot of persuading Stiles has agreed to take me and y/n to school as neither of us has a car.

I finish eating breakfast and put my shoes on as I hear Stiles beep his horn signalling that he was here.

"Y/n hurry up Stiles is here" I shout knowing Stiles won't be happy if he is late because of her.

No response.

"Y/n come on were going to be late" I say as I enter her room to find that she isn't there.

Worry floods my mind as I stand in a haze thinking about all the things that might have happened to her. However, I am quickly brought out of this trance as I hear Stiles beep his horn once more.

"She's probably just gone to school early" I mutter trying to convince myself that I am overreacting and that she's fine.

I exit my house locking the door as my mum has already left for work and walk to Stiles's jeep ready for the complaints about how long he was waiting for me.

"Dude what took you so long" Stiles says annoyed just as I expected "And where's y/n"

"Sorry I was waiting for y/n to come down and when I went into her room to see why she was taking so long she wasn't there" I explain, and I see Stiles's expression change from annoyed to worried.

"Wait what, where is she is she alright" Stiles says panicked.

"Jeez since when were you worried about y/n you normally hate her gut" I say confused about this new Stiles that cares about y/n.

"I'm not worried I just want to know where she is" Stiles says unconvincingly as he begins driving us to school.

"I don't know I think she might have gone to school early I reply and Stiles seems to calm down a bit.

I can tell by the way he is driving that he is still tense but why surely, he can't be worrying about y/n they have hated each other since forever. Maybe he has a test today that he's nervous about or maybe he's worried peter might hurt him to get me to be in his pack. Wait Derek said Peter would use my friends and family to get to me. Y/n is part of my family and has mysteriously gone missing.

"Shit it's peter" I shout. 

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