Just Friends?

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*the next day at school*


As I enter the school, I notice y/n stood alone by her locker I immediately walk over to her knowing we needed to talk about what had happened and where we stand. I had no idea what I felt for her whether it was just a onetime thing or if I do actually like her but hopefully, we could talk and find out what we both want.

"Hey y/n" I say as I approach the girl.

"Hey Stiles, sorry I didn't reply to your message I was so tired last night" she says.

"It's fine can we talk after school" I ask.

"Sure, after school sounds great" she says smiling and I just stand and admire her beauty for a second.

"Ok well I'm going to go bye" I say awkwardly the school bell bringing me out of my trance.

"Bye" she says as she walks off to her lessons.

I watch her walk away with her perfect posture, her hair swaying and a slight skip in her step. And that's when it hit me I didn't just like y/n I think I was falling in love with her.

*after school*


I walk over to Stiles's jeep ready for our talk I wasn't nervous however I just didn't know how I felt towards him. I mean he is hot, but I don't know if I like him for anything more than his looks. 

"Hi" he says as I enter his jeep and I can tell that he is nervous. 

"So" I say unsure of what else I should say.

"Look y/n I'm not sure about my feelings towards you yet and I want to figure out what I want before I say anything to you" he explains relieved to get that of his chest.

"I understand that because I am unsure of my feelings about you as well" I say.

"How about we're just friends for now" he suggests.

"Friends sounds great" I reply.

"I'm glad we talked" he says.

"Me too" I say smiling. 

"Do you need a ride home" he asks.

"Yes, please Scott has gone round to Allison's" I say as he begins to start the car. 

We both just sit talking to each other about life and I really enjoy it although I am still unsure of my feelings at the moment, I am happy that we can be friends. 

"Thanks for the ride" I say as we pull up to my house.

"Any time" he says as I exit the jeep.

"Bye y/n" he shouts as I walk up to the front door.

I turn to him and wave before unlocking the door and stepping inside closing it behind me. 

I collapse onto the couch thinking about how different my life in Beacon Hills is to my life back in London where everything was so simple. Something happened today that I never would have thought would happen I was able to call Stiles Stilinski a friend of mine.


It's lunch and you're sat with the pack, and you notice Stiles walking over to the table at I start smiling to myself.

"Hey y/n" Stiles says as he sits down opposite me.

"Hey" I reply, and I notice my brother looking at us weirdly.

"What" I say to my brother curious as to why he was staring at us.

"You two getting along, Stilinski and my sister not arguing" he says surprised.

"Oh" me and Stiles say in unison realising our friendship is a new thing to the pack.

"We talked a bit yesterday and realised we have a lot in common and get along well" Stiles explains.

"Ok wow I never saw this coming" Scott says, and we all laugh at this unusual situation that is me and Stiles getting along.


My sister and my best friend are getting along; what is going on. I have always begged them to be civil and failed so why are they suddenly being friendly. I mean I'm not complaining this will make my life a lot easier but what has prompted this. 

I walk towards Stiles's jeep as he is giving me a ride home and notice him and y/n talking and laughing with one another. They weren't just being civil they were actually good friends, how has so much changed in a day. 

"Hi guys" I say hopping into the back seat as y/n has already claimed the passenger seat.

"Hey Scott" they both say, and Stiles drives us home stopping to get some fries and a milkshake on the way.

This was weird but a nice weird being able to enjoy the company of Stiles and y/n together as a pose to settling their constant silly little arguments.


I have just gotten back from school when I hear my phone buzz and I pick it up to see I have a message from Lydia.

Lydia: Hey y/n, me and Allison are going out shopping we're picking you up in an hour be ready.

Typical Lydia always wanting to go shopping and never giving you the choice to say no although I do need some new clothes so at least it won't be pointless. 

Y/n: Ok see you then.

I touch up my makeup and hair before watching some tv until I hear a knock on the door I bounce up and answer it straight away as I am surprisingly excited to go shopping. I've never really had many friends before not that I would ever admit that to anyone so being able to make plans with somebody was nice. 

"Hey y/n" Lydia says happily as always.

"Hey guys" I reply.

"Scott I'm going shopping with Lydia and Allison bye" I shout and hear a faint bye back before closing the door behind me ready for a much needing shopping trip. 

"So, I want to know all the details" Lydia says nudging me.

"About what" I ask confused.

"You and Stilinski duh I can tell you like him" she says, and I am quick to shut her down.

"What no I don't he's just a friend" I reply frantically.

"Whatever you say, ooo look this is cute" she says pointing at a dress and all I can think about for the rest of the day is how much I do actually like Stiles.

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