I really like you

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Luckily just as I leave the house, I see Isaac pull into the driveway and I must say he looks very good. His signature navy scarf bringing out his eyes and his smooth hair combed to perfection.

"Hey, you look really good" he says making me blush.

"Not too bad yourself Lahey" I say teasingly.

He takes me too a little café not too far from school, it was so cute it had fairy lights hung across the walls and had a very calm feel to it. He pulls out my chair for me as I take a seat before sitting down himself and asking for the menu. I ordered an iced coffee whilst Isaac ordered a latte and a piece of chocolate cake for us to share as neither of us were particularly hungry.

We just sat enjoying each other's company quickly finishing the slice of delicious cake until noticed Isaac become tense running his fingers through his hair and tapping his feet.

"Can I tell you something y/n" he says nervously.

"Of course," I say trying to act confident despite how anxious I was clearly whatever he wanted to say was important because he was very on edge.

"I really like you y/n" he says, and I am instantly relieved that he didn't have anything bad to tell me.

"I really like you too Isaac" I say smiling.

"Will you be my girlfriend" he says.

"Yes" I say, and I see him relax and as a smile shoots across his face clearly happy that I felt the same way as him.

We get the bill and Isaac insisted on paying so after a few minutes of arguing I finally gave in and let him pay making him promise that I could pay next time.


I arrive at Scott's house and see y/n walking downstairs I debated trying to talk to her but decided it wouldn't work so I left it. She looked really hot, like really hot and she was a lot more dressed up then usual but as I suspected she still didn't want to be anywhere near me.

"Well, I'm leaving" she says the second she notices me.

"Be careful" Scott shouts.

"I will" she says before heading out and slightly slamming the door.

"Dude why was she all dressed up" I question.

"Shes going on a date with Isaac" he says calmly, so calmly that it makes me want to choke him.

"WHAT, Isaac, Isaac LAHEY the douche bag" I say the jealously very clear in my voice.

"Stiles he's not that bad and why do you care anyways" he replies.

I mean I understand why he didn't think it was such a big deal to Scott my feelings towards y/n were non-existent and that she was only a one time hook up. However, that couldn't be further from the truth I loved y/n, in fact I was in love with y/n, but I couldn't tell her brother that after all I didn't have a chance with her anymore.

"I don't I just don't want him to hurt her" I lie.

"She'll be fine he won't hurt her" he says.

I couldn't focus the whole time I was at Scott's all I could think about was y/n. How I had lost the one person I was truly in love with; god how I was so naive I used to think I was in love with Lydia Martin however my feelings for Lydia were nothing like my feelings for y/n. With y/n it's like she's a drug she makes me feel happy, but she is also addicting, and I love her so much its painful. I can't help but think how she was out with Lahey right now, perfect little Lahey the guy that gets every girl.

I try to stop thinking about her to focus on my homework or something else, anything else but it's impossible y/n y/ln has well and truly consumed me. And the worst part is she doesn't feel the same way.

"Stiles" I hear Scott say temporarily breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ye" I say tiredly.

"Dude are you okay you seem really off" he says concerned.

"Ye dude I'm fine" I say but Scott clearly wasn't buying it.

"Come on Stiles just tell me what's wrong" he says, and I debated telling him, but I just couldn't bring myself to.

"I'm fine I was up late last night I'm just tired that all" I lie.

"Okay then" he replies before continuing his homework.


Isaac drops me off at home and I can't lie I was slightly disappointed that Stiles wasn't still hear although I hated him for what he did there was a part of me that missed him, a part of me that still wanted him, still needed him.

I picked up my phone and pressed on Stiles's contact.


      CALL                                                                    MESSAGE

My finger hovered over the call button, but I couldn't do it if I called him, I didn't know what I would say so I decided to type out a message instead.

To Stiles:

Hey, I'm sorry for being so distant I think that maybe we should talk.                   SEND

As I am about to press send a message comes through from Isaac.

Isaac: Hey, I really enjoyed today.

I sit and think and realise that I did have a good time with Isaac and that I just needed to get over Stiles no matter how long that took. I deleted the message I was about to send to Stiles and decided to reply to Isaac.

You: Hey, I really enjoyed today too but next time you have to let me pay.

Isaac: So, there's going to be a next time.

You: There doesn't have to be.

Isaac: No, no I want there to be.

You: Well then, I'll be paying.

Isaac: How about we go halves.

You: Nope I pay or nothing.

Isaac: Ok fine goodnight.

You: Goodnight.

I go to sleep content with my new relationship with Isaac and honestly, I think this is the first time I have fallen asleep effortlessly in a while so maybe everything that happened was for the better.  

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