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Today is the day I will ask y/n to be my girlfriend and I'm so nervous I feel like I might throw up. I just want everything to go right and I currently have every possible way it could go wrong occupying my mind. 

I am so thankful Lydia was happy to help me although I was pretty sure she wouldn't turn the opportunity down as y/n is her best friend. I can't imagine not having her help with this I don't think I could have planned all this by myself especially not without it going terribly wrong. 

I had never done anything like this before because I had never had a girlfriend. Girls don't usually go for guys like me they prefer guys like Jackson Whittemore; god I hate Jackson. 


I just got off the phone to Stiles and it felt like he was acting really weird. I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid but he seemed really off like maybe he was lying about something. I asked him if anything was wrong but he said he was fine so I guess only time will tell. 

We're going out later today to a cute little puppy café which I'm so happy about because dogs are my favourite thing in the whole world. Honestly, I was really surprised when he told me because I knew I had told him how much I loved dogs but I didn't think he had remembered; I guess it's just nice to know someone cares about you. 

I quickly get into the shower and begin getting ready because otherwise I will end up being late. I put on a black flowy dress that falls mid-thigh with a pair of white trainers and a shoulder bag. After finally looking in the mirror and being satisfied with my outfit I do my makeup opting for a natural look and leave my hair down straightening it. 

I hear a knock at the door so I head downstairs opening the door assuming to see Stiles however unfortunately its Isaac. 

"Isaac what are you doing here" I say bitterly.

"Y/n I'm really sor-" he begins. 

"Isaac leave it" I say.

"Plea-" he says. 

"Just go I don't have time for this" I say.

"Why are you all dressed up" he questions.

I debate whether I should tell him the truth even though it will upset him or lie to him but he did cheat on me after all so I decide that there's nothing wrong with being a little mean. 

"I'm going on a date" I say proudly.

"Wait with who" he says annoyed.

"Stiles" I say grinning.

"What you can't be" he says.

"Last time I checked you don't decide who I can and can't go out with so will you do me a favour and get lost because I have a date" I say confidently.

"You're making a big mistake" he shouts walking away. 

I sit down thinking about what just happened and laugh to myself about the fact Isaac thought he would get a second chance especially so soon. 

I am brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door and I mentally pray that its actually Stiles this time. 

I hesitantly open the door relieved to see that it is in fact Stiles.

"Hey" he says.

"Hey" I reply.

"So, um are you ready to go" he says awkwardly.

"Yep" I say as I lock the door and we walk to his jeep. 

On the car journey there although only short I can't help but feel a tension between us he is acting really odd and its starting to worry me. I consider asking him but ultimately decide not too and just hope that its nothing serious. 


We arrive at the café and I'm even more nervous than I was before and I really hope y/n hasn't noticed. 

We sit down and have a coffee each and share a slice of chocolate cake and my nerves are through the roof. I'm slightly tempted to call the whole thing off however I really care about her and I can already imagine Lydia grilling me for it. 

The moment came where the waitress came over and handed us the receipt or more specifically handed y/n the receipt. 

I see her eyes scan up and down it for a second before they widen and a smile creeps onto her face looking up at me and saying yes. I leap up and hug her pecking her slightly; I was ecstatic. 

The whole ride home I couldn't stop smiling by the time we got to her house my jaw was hurting but I couldn't help but be happy. I mean the most perfect girl in the world was my girlfriend, who wouldn't be smiling. 


The waitress brings over our receipt and hands it directly to me which I thought was odd because normally they would just place it on the table but nevertheless, I scanned down it checking everything was correct. And that's when I saw it those five words 'will you be my girlfriend' a smile shot across my face and I immediately say yes as Stiles embraces me in a hug. 

"OMG, I can't believe it" I say still in shock.

"I was so worried" he says and suddenly I realise why he had been acting so different and panicky.

"How did you pull this off by yourself" I question.

"Well Lydia may have helped here and there" he admits.

Lydia being involved doesn't surprise me she loves anything like this and has always told me that me and Stiles would make a good couple. 

The drive home is comfortably silent one of us occasionally saying how happy we are or that we can't believe it. Truthfully, I can't believe it because I never expected it yes, I wanted to be his girlfriend and I wouldn't dream of saying no but I didn't see it coming. I guess the best things come when you least expect it.

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