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I think about bailing on Isaac make up an excuse but decide otherwise as if I don't my evening will probably consist of lying in bed bawling my eyes out about Stiles whilst watching romcoms in the dark. 

I leave my last lesson and head out Isaac already stood by his motorbike eagerly waiting for me. 

"Hey y/n" he says excitedly.

"Hey" I reply.

"Come on I want to take you somewhere" he says indicating for me to get on his bike.

I hop on behind grabbing his waist tightly petrified of falling.

"Calm down you'll be fine" he says reassuringly, and I loosen my grip a little.

"Where are we going" I question realising I have no idea where we are headed to.

"That's a surprise" he says cockily.

"You have to tell me or else how'd I know you're not going to take me to the middle of nowhere and kill me" I say adamant that I wanted to know where he was taking me.

"Well, that was my plan, but you have caught me, so I'll have to kill you now instead" he says sarcastically, and I chuckle.

The rest of the journey there was silent but nice I found myself admiring Isaac: his muscular arms, his dirty blonde hair, his veiny hands everything about him seemed to be hot. 

"We're here" Isaac says stopping his bike and jumping off.

We were in a woodland type area there were flowers dotted around in the dirt, the branches danced in the slight drafts of wind and the sun shone onto the ground through the gaps in the trees. 

"Wow Isaac this is beautiful" I say taking in my surroundings.

"I hoped you'd like it I've never brought anyone here before it's my place to get away from everything" he explains. 

"I love it" I say as I turn to face him.

"God you're pretty" he says closing the gap between us as I blush at his compliment. 

He steps even closer to me as we make eye contact which is broken when his eyes start to flicker between my eyes and my lips. He carefully brushes my hair behind my ear and leans in planting a delicate kiss on my lips which I return. I pull away blushing and smiling Isaac doing the same and we sit leaning against a tree talking and laughing; it was great. 

"I think we better head back it's getting late" he says.

"We really should if I'm not back soon my mom and Scott will freak" I reply.

We both giggle and get back onto Isaac's motorbike me still holding Isaac for dear life.

"I had a really good time with you today" Isaac says as we pull onto my street.

"I did too" I reply.

"Y/n can I ask you something" he says nervously causing me to become nervous.

"Sure" I say anxiously.

"Will you go on a date with me y/n" he says, and I instantly calm down now knowing his question wasn't bad.

"I would love to" I reply smiling.

"Great, bye then" he says as I hop off the back off his bike.

"Bye, thanks for today Isaac" I reply.

"My pleasure" he says watching me walk down my drive as I open the door waving to him before stepping inside and closing the door behind me. 

I turn the shower on and step in the warm water rolling down my body soothingly. I wash my hair and body and then put on a pair of pyjamas and throw my hair into a messy bun collapsing onto my bed I lay enjoying the silence reflecting on the day. Seeing Stiles for the first time, going out with Isaac thoughts about my feelings towards the two flood my mind and I can't help but feel bad for Isaac. I felt as though I was leading him on as much as I tried to persuade myself that I did actually like him I knew I didn't I was using him for reasons other than I saw a future with him, I was using him for my own benefits. 

I turn over to look at my alarm clock and the time reads 2:36 I groan as I realise how late it is and how tired I'm going to be in the morning. I can't sleep. I want Stiles. I need Stiles. But I was too stubborn to say anything I caused the argument I shouted at him to leave so I couldn't bring myself to slightly damage my pride by answering his message or calling him back; I just couldn't. Its times like these where I wish I wasn't so strong minded it would make my life so much easier like the time I had an argument with dad, and I told him I wasn't going to eat dinner. I was absolutely starving my stomach was grumbling so loudly but I forced myself to go up to my room and go to sleep not daring to go back on what I had said. After another gruelling hour of intrusive thoughts keeping me from sleeping, I finally fell asleep my thoughts slipping away from me as I fell into a very much needed deep sleep.

It's the morning of mine and Isaac's date and I'm a lot more nervous than I expected I would be. I dress in a black bandana top and a pair of ripped light blue jeans; I do a more glam makeup look than usual adding a smoky eye and a matte lip. I looked at myself in the mirror happy with how I looked, it was rare that I would properly get ready usually opting for a more comfortable outfit and not caring what I looked like. However, I couldn't really turn up to our first date in sweatpants and a hoodie as much as I would like too.

I go downstairs waiting for Isaac to arrive as I see Scott walk through the front door but he's not alone he's with the one person I didn't want it to be, he was with Stiles. 

"Well, I'm leaving" I say not wanting to be anywhere near Stiles.

"Be careful" Scott shouts.

"I will" I say reassuring him before heading outside.

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