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Y/n and I have been dating for three weeks now and everything has been great we haven't argued or gotten into a fight once (other than where to get food but that's normal). 

However, Isaac has been acting very weird, I thought he had gotten over y/n and that he wouldn't be an issue but it seems his actions are proving me wrong. I notice him constantly trying to get closer to her or trying to talk to her. At first, I didn't think anything of it I thought I was just being paranoid but I'm starting to think I was right. He is no longer just trying to talk to her but in fact he's flirting with her and he's not just moving up a seat to be nearer to her he's sitting next to her brushing their hands or legs together discreetly at his every chance. 

He was clearly jealous of our relationship and wanted y/n back and it was pissing me off. I didn't know how to deal with this situation confronting Isaac wouldn't work because he would just ignore me. I thought about telling y/n but I realised I couldn't she clearly didn't know Isaac wanted her back so if I told her she would think I was a psycho boyfriend and wouldn't listen to me. 

I had hit a brick wall I didn't know how to solve this situation so I just left it just continued watching Isaac try to win back what was rightfully mine. Mine; y/n was mine. 

Until it got too much; I got too angry, too annoyed. I couldn't help it my fist screwed up into a ball and I hit him right in the nose; blood poured down his face as he looked up at me furious. He hit me straight in the eye and god it hurt, I could barely see straight everything was blurry he hit me again this time in the nose. I started feeling dizzy but relaxed almost as if I was falling asleep and that was the last thing I remember. 


It was an ordinary day sat in the science labs trying to not to die of boredom as the teacher blabs on about some science thing that I don't understand as per usual. I was sat with Danny, Lydia and Isaac, they were my group at first, I hated that Isaac was in my group and wanted a different group immediately but he's honestly been fine. He apologised for what he did and although that doesn't make it right at least he acknowledged that he shouldn't have done it. 

We were doing some sort of experiment and that's when I saw Stiles's stand up from his seat and it looked like he was heading towards us. I thought nothing of it and just assumed that he wanted to tell me something however I was terribly wrong. When he reached us, he didn't come to me he went to Isaac and swung at him landing a punch straight to Isaac's nose. I was so confused why had he done that it was so random but most of all I was worried because I knew Isaac would hit back ten times stronger, and he did. Firstly, hitting Stiles's right in his left eye secondly right to the nose; Stiles was knocked out helpless as Isaac kept trying to hit him whilst Scott and Theo pulled him away. 

I hadn't moved I was in shock what had just happened, Stiles was laid on the floor passed out, Isaac was been held against the wall Scott begging him to calm down, the rest of the class screaming and shouting. It was chaos. 

Stiles was taken to the school nurse who said he will be fine and that all we can really do is wait for him to wake up. I was very thankful that he was alright after he did take quite a few hard hits but I was also really angry what possibly possessed him to do that. 

Scott had managed to calm Isaac down and he was completely fine as he suffered no more injuries than a bloody nose which had stopped. Luckily Scott managed to get Isaac away from everyone and then calm him down meaning no one saw Isaac turn and their secret was still safe. 

I was sat by the bed stiles was laid on waiting for him to wake up so he could answer every last one of my questions when I saw his eyes flicker open him murmuring inaudible words. 

"Y/n what where am I" he said dazed.

"Never mind where you are what the fuck was that" I shouted.  


I wake up extremely confused I'm in a small room laid on a bed with y/n sat beside me. I ask her where I am to which she replies 'never mind where you are what the fuck was that'. 

I sit for a second waiting for the question to process puzzled as to what she went; what had I done. And that's when it all hit me when all the memories came rushing back, me being annoyed at Isaac and us having a fight. Shit why couldn't I have just controlled my anger, this was gonna be a tough one to explain. 

"Y/n please don't be angry let me explain" I beg. 

"I'm already angry but you still have a lot of explaining to do" she snaps back. 

I explain everything to her and although she didn't agree that Isaac was flirting, she understood where I was coming from. I apologised about a million times and have promised that I will make it up to her but she hasn't forgiven me yet, which I'm fine with I know I was wrong and that I need to earn her forgiveness not just get it handed to me on a silver platter.

I also apologised to Isaac which he reciprocated but I don't think he will forgive me anytime soon but I never liked him anyways so I'm not too bothered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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