Yoongi x Jimin x Reader - Believe in yourself

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This wasn't a request but I thought I'd do this because today, on April 26, it's our lol-whatismylife's birthday and she deserves only the best so yeah I wrote this for her! Let's give her a lot of love everyone!

Girl, you now know why I asked you who your two ultimate biases are lmao! Happy birthday and I love you ❤️ Also you know my knowledge of basketball, I made some research but it's definitely not perfect, I barely understood what I read so please don't kill me 😩😂

"Come on, Y/N, you can do better than that!" the coach screams at me and I sigh, knowing already that I'm doing my damn best. Grabbing the ball again to try and make it through defense against a higher level is a pain in the arse and knowing that Yoongi is the one I'm against makes this even worse.

He just won't ever let me through. That man is an art himself and his talent for basketball is too much for me. I don't know why the coach made me play against him. He's the unbeatable, the one no one can win against.

I shake my head and get into position. Trying to avoid making eye contact with him proves useless since he captivates me so much, but who cares, he's going to block the ball again and then I'll have to go home disappointed with myself.

"Come on, Y/N! You can do it! Beat him up, I give you permission!" Jimin shouts from the side and I resist a smile. Shooting him a fake glare, he only gives me a thumb up before I focus back on the game.

On Yoongi. His glorious frown on our common friend. The man quickly brings his attention back on me though, his little tilt as he gets ready to block me with all of his heart captivating me once again.

I sigh. I swear if I can't throw even one ball in the hoop, I'll be crying all night. I huff strongly and get in position, Yoongi facing me from the other side, ready to block the path. He looks majestic. I shake my head. The match, Y/N, focus on the match. Jimin's here to cheer me on, I can't waste his time like that.

On the coach's signal, I start running, ball dribbling from one hand to the other as I think of a way to avoid him. It doesn't take much to steal a ball and Yoongi does it marvelously well. He smirks when I get nearer and I groan before avoiding his hand and move to the side without letting my eyes off him.

"Come on, Y/N, don't let me scare you" he coos, playful eyes on me, as if to tempt me into bravery, but I know him enough to know that it's never that simple. Still, I know I can't stay here forever, time is running out and the coach is mere seconds away from starting to scream.

I move forward and notice Yoongi running to me, eyes set on the ball. In a moment of panic, I turn on myself and make a side step, which brings me right behind him, between his body and the hoop. Eyes wide, I take this moment to turn around and decide to simply throw, knowing I won't have a second chance like this.

I see Yoongi turn towards me and jump to stop the ball in mid-air, but lucky me, he's one second too late. With a smooth noise, the ball falls right in the middle of the hoop and I stare at it in shock before hearing the loud cheer from Jimin.

"YES!". I smile and turn to look at the coach, see him nod in satisfaction before getting his pad of notes. "Very good, you're going to have to practice more but you're improving. Good job, you two, you can leave now".

Jimin jumps on his feet and starts walking to our position. 

"Good job, you took me by surprise and reacted quickly, you're not too bad". I turn to see Yoongi smiling at me as he offers his hand for a handshake. Internally screaming at this, because the unbeatable Yoongi is impressed by me, I shake his hand and watch as he nods at Jimin before leaving the gym.

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