BTS x reader - past abuse/mermaid/soulmates

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"You useless bastard!".

I face the harsh underwater currents of the ongoing raging storm that makes the outside world dark and terrifying, their words on echo in my mind as I try to put as much distance as possible between us.

"You bring shame to the family".

Swimming closer to the surface of the ocean doesn't bode well when a gigantic wave takes me into its clutches, ice cold water that spins me around, breath knocked out of my lungs whenever another wave falls on my head, and it only serves to remind me of when my brother slammed me against the cave's rocky walls yesterday.

"You're a waste of space, I can't believe you're still around after all these years, you piece of shit".

"Should've died long ago".

I work my tail with all the despair that I've gathered throughout my life as fuel and miraculously manage to flee the dangerous storm that makes no difference between the two worlds, the two elements that continually clash together not strong enough to keep the winds from spilling underneath the liquid universe to try and catch me again.

"If I see you touch the food again, I'm sending you down the trench with a stupid chain around your tail. Get your own, bloody parasite".

I don't know how long I fight against a power stronger than me, the lack of energy making itself louder with every miles swam through the endless darkness surrounding me, no one in sight but the noises reaching my ears louder than my own heartbeat, every explosions of thunder sending sparks through my muscles whenever it hits too close, as if it too seeks to drain me of everything that I am.

Did they not take enough? All my life, I had to live with being rejected by everyone, and for what?

For having human mates, as if that was ever in my control.

A curse, some people called me.

"She'll bring disaster to our colony one day".

As if I could ever bring them down here with me.

As if I could ever find them.

The lack of light in this thunderstorm that seeps within the strong ocean blinds me with every flash of light that rock my world, and so it's completely unprepared when I make it to a rocky coast that welcomes me in harshly, head bumping against a hard surface that takes me out instantly.

Their POV

"Jimin, Jungkook, be careful! Those rocks are slippery, I don't want to see you fall and get hurt!" Jin shouts to cover the distance between their two groups, their two young soulmates impatient as they run and giggle, feet jumping from one rock to another with a carelessness that stresses everyone.

"I swear, if they end up falling anyway-"


"Oh fuck it's cold! Jungkook help me up!" Jimin gasps when he ends up butt soaked in a small hole of water, and when their maknae attempts to pull him out of there, the five other men become witness as a second body falls into the cold after-storm of the beach.

"Ah! Oh my gosh, it's freaking cold!".

Jin sighs and Yoongi rubs a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, it's not like they weren't expecting that to happen, but their oldest soulmate does have a weak heart when it comes to accidents, he's seen enough of what falling on rocks can cause to a body at the hospital to want to see it happen to his soulmates as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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