25. House of horror

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And my arms are tough

But they can be bent


two days ago was our beach trip with Rip and it was very fun, we played with him and me and harry swam for a little and we ate our snacks, we drove back home a few hours later and picked up food on the way, I took a shower and we layed down watching criminal minds for the rest of the night

yesterday we didn't do much I talked to Ember and we just talked about how I was doing and how she was doing we decided that today was the day I needed to pick my shit up from Patricks house which sent me into panic but I know it needs to happen and I need to get my shit before we can go on tour

I told harry and he's insisting on coming with me so he can be there for me and so Patrick won't try anything Ember told me it was a good idea and Harry and I would go over to her apartment and hang out with her and Lou after which made me happy

I texted Patrick that I would be picking up my stuff from his house but he hasn't answered me but I still have a key so I'll pack up quick and leave, this morning I woke up in harry's arm once again and it scared me how comfortable I was getting with him, it scared me because I'm not one to fall fast but I am

"when do you want to go?" I hear Harry's voice echo through the living room and I look over to him, he brings me a water and we sit on the couch cuddling and watching Criminal minds, "an hour?" I ask and he shrugs, "whatever you want goldie" he says and I lean my head on his shoulder, "I don't want to go" I whisper slightly not wanting to make him unhappy while I vent a little, thats how people get sick of you

"I don't want you to go either" I hear him same and I look at him, "why not?" I ask him and he shrugs, "cuz it's Patrick- you guys aren't on good terms I mean no one is but he did this to you, I would be concerned if you wanted to see him" he says and I smile.

after an hour of watching tv I start to feel my anxiety rise inside of me and I tell harry that I wanna get this over with and he grabbed the car keys, it only took us around 15 minutes to get to Patricks but when we did I felt my stomach drop, I didn't like that when I looked at the house all I thought were bad memories, it made me feel sick because once I did find comfort in this home and it was a place where I felt safe

I feel my hands start to shake even though I don't see Patricks car anywhere the fact that he could walk in at any moment makes me scared I don't want him to try anything, I'm already hurt

Harry notices me and he brushes his thumb over my hand trying to calm me down but it doesn't seem to work to well I'm already in my head it's really hard to get out of it

"hey we- we don't have to do this right now we can come back another time" I hear his voice echo through my head and I look over to him with just my eyes, "no, no I need to get this over with, after we get this done then we can go on tour and have the time of our lives" I smile trying to hide my nerves and he kisses the back of my hand, "I love that you think like that" he whispers and I look back to the huge house

"let's go" I whisper and he lets go of my hand, he opens his door and I slowly unbuckle, I open the door as slow as I can trying to stall so I can think and try not to enter this house but I know it needs to happen

I step out and Harry is right next to me which makes me feel slightly better knowing he's here for me, I walk up to the steps taking out the key from my pocket, I twist the door open and I push it hearing the door fly open, I see garbage and broken glass all around, looks like he hasn't done any cleaning since what happened it looks more worse than before I left, theres piles of shit everywhere and I step around everything trying not to step on glass or anything sharp

"holy shit" I hear Harry say and I look at him staring at all of the mess thats just in the front room, I nod and I walk with him into what used to be our bedroom, I see all of my plants and some of my clothes have been ripped up and torn to pieces with no saving them and I frown, I walk into the closet taking all of the clothes that haven't been tampered with and I put them in one of my suitcases, I move to the bathroom it's not much of a mess so I put my makeup and hairbrush and shampoos into my suitcase, I move back to the bedroom and I grab my guitar and jewelry and shoes throwing them into my suitcase and Harry walks around the room looking at everything and I hear the door slam which makes me flinch and I whip my head to Harry

my breathing gets heavier as I hear the familiar footsteps walk towards the bedroom, Patrick's here and he doesn't sound happy

I see the door fly open and hit the wall making a dent and I see his angry face meet mine and I stare at him in disbelief, he looks the same just meaner, but the feeling inside of me has changed, I hate him and he makes me want to throw up

"Esme what the fuck are you doing here" he says with his monotone voice and I stare at him and I take a breath, "packing up my stuff, I texted you but you didn't answer so I came myself I don't have time to wait for you to pick up your phone" I shrug and I see him get physically angrier

"you think you can just walk in here and give me attitude?" he asks stepping forward and I stare up at him, I see Harry's body step in front of mine and the height difference shows as harry looks down at him, "I wouldn't advise you to talk to her like that, she came here to get her shit and leave" I hear his voice come out as very stern and Patrick looks up at him not saying a word back

I grab all of my stuff from the bedroom and I move to the kitchen grabbing all of my baking supplies and I pack them into my suitcase carefully so they don't break, I've always loved to bake it was a Friday night thing for me and my dad to make chocolate chip cookies for the workers that worked in our house like the maid, butler etc. and it was time well spent with my dad

when I turn around I see Harry standing close behind me and I see Patrick leaning against the counter watching my every move, he looks like he thinks I'm going to steal something, did he forget who I am? I don't need to steal anything from him

when I think I've got everything, I grab my car keys off of the counter but Patrick touches my hand and out of reaction my hand flies up to his face and I smack him, my eyes widen after I realized what I just done and I see harry smirking out of the corner of my eye, I see Patrick look to me with his crazy eyes and he lounges forward and I step back, I see Harry run over to me and he punches Patrick in the face making Patrick fall to the ground, harry is a strong man and Patrick was no match for him

"don't touch me" I say to Patrick and he looks up to me from the ground and he doesn't say anything, I grab my keys and my suitcases and I walk out of this damn ridden house with Harry by my side

when we step out I slam the door shut and Harry faces me, "hey are you alright-" he starts to say but I grab the side of his face dropping my keys and the handles to my suitcases and I press my lips to his, I take his soft lips into my mouth and he groans into me feeding my addiction of him.

I pull away a couple of seconds later and he looks at me, "sorry I just felt like I needed to do that" I whisper feeling my face get hot but he pecks my lips quickly, "don't be sorry, I liked that a lot goldie" he smiles and I giggle feeling warmth spread around my body just like it always does when I'm with him

"let's go smiley" I say and he takes my hand as we walk down the steps and I start my car and he starts him and we drive back to the new place I call home


Hi Goldies! New chapter!

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