37. Well that was fun while it lasted

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Doctor, can you help me 'cause something don't feel right?

something don't feel right

we got back to Nialls around 30 minutes ago its now after 6 and niall is yelling at us cause he wants to go now, I'm just glad things are back to normal now we can have some fun again

Esme and I ran up the stairs while being yelled at by niall and she shut the door to our bedroom drawing his voice out now she laughed and walked into the closet, I followed behind her she was searching through her suitcase trying to pick something out as was I

I kept my black jeans on from before but I put on a darker grey sweater it was a lighter material and I put on black boots now, I was ready I look over and I see esme fixing the short dress that she now has on her it's dark green with a type of darker green floral print on it and she has on beige sandals

she leaves her hair down now and she walks out of the closet to the bathroom, I sit on the bed waiting for her, ten minutes later and more yelling from niall she comes out and I see she has some darker eye makeup now on, she grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs

I see Niall pacing back and forth and I see the pout on his face, he shakes his head at us and I hear esme giggle, "I'm sorry Niall we forgot about the time" she says next to me and he rolls his eyes, "whatever lets go" he says and I nod, I see ember walk up to esme and she laughs at her, "so you guys made up?" Ember asks her and she nods, "good" ember lets out a breath and I hold her hand

"I swear to Jesus himself if you guys don't hurry your asses up" Niall says and we leave we walk out and I see three cars, one ruby red Jeep Wrangler, one dark grey Mercedes amg gt r roadster, and one jet black Land Rover

"one car for each pair, Liam your coming with me and Zayn" Niall speaks and I see Esme's mouth hang open, this is not strange for niall he loves luxury who doesn't? but he'll go out of his way to make everything nice for his friends cause he loves them dearly this is how he shows it

"we're getting the rover" Niall shouts and I laugh, "come on goldie" I say bringing her towards the Mercedes, it's top it down too and she looks at me as I jump in not even opening the door, "are you gonna put the top on?" she asks opening her door and sitting down, "do you want me to?" I ask her and she nods, "live a little goldie come on" I smirk and she looks in the car, she nods and I smile taking her closer to me I bring my lips to her and sparks fly as I move my mouth against hers

I pull away and I start the car hearing the loud rawr I smile, esme looks at it likes its crazy and I hold her hand, "turn on some music" I say and she grabs the aux cars hanging from the dash, she plugs it into her phone and turns on some music, I hear the familiar song and esme busts out laughing, "come then drive" she smirks and I shake my head hearing the lyrics

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