44. This is great *

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Never know the way I feel for you

You will never know this touch


yesterday we got home from the beach and I remember dancing with harry and him kissing me in the kitchen, I asked him what was in that notebook of his, he didn't want to share though, its been on my mind all night though, I want to know what's in there, when I was in the water with everyone he didn't come with he just sat with rip and wrote 

but the look on his face when he was writing I've never seen it before, it was admiration and lust maybe, he wrote fast scribbling on the page, making sure he wrote quick because he would forget if he didn't. he just looked really intriguing it seemed important whatever he was writing so it had to be a song 

was it about me? Ripley? tour? it could be anything. he wouldn't show me though, it had to be something personal but I wasn't going to push him I know it would be on my mind all night though and it was 

I woke up this morning early, we have to go to Mexico which I'm very excited because I've never been but I think everyone will make it fun we're staying at a resort with everyone, including Patrick and Matthew which makes me nervous but I'll be with harry as much as I can 

we just got on the bus to go and I'm cuddled up next to harry and I see his notebook on the table in front of us, I'm not gonna ask him again since he'll probably just tell me to shut up and don't worry about it, I feel his hand around the back of neck and I lean my head on his chest, we look out to the road and I let a sigh out, "I'm bored" I say looking up to him and he looks around

"I got somethin" he says leaning forward and pulling something out of his backpack, I see a whole book of crossword puzzles and I can't help but laugh, "what?" he asks and I shake my head, "your such an old man" I laugh and he pouts, "I am not" he whines and I peck his lips quickly 

"baby yes you are but in a cute way" I whisper and he leans his head on mine, he opens it up and the first one we flip to is Great Lakes, "found one" I say and I circle it with my pencil, "Michigan" I let out and he nods, "oh another, Huron" I say circling it and he scoffs, "and I'm the old man, your good at these" he says and I laugh, "I'm not saying I like them I'm just smart" I justify and he nods his head sarcastically and I hit him 


Around 10 hours later I feel the bus stop and I see the beautiful resort in front of us, its huge I see people walk around in nothing but bathing suites and flip flop paradise 

the bus stops and I grab my suitcase and walk off the bus with harry close behind me once again, I see him grab three keys from Matthew and he turns to us, "one for you and Liam and Zayn" he says handing it to niall, "one for you and ember" he says handing it to me and I look away, had to be Matthews doing as always, he keeps the other key for him and Louis 

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