40. The big apple

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Rollin' in, I feel a dark swell

Crawling up the skin of my spine


I step off the bus and I see the bright city lights, New York City, I've dreamed since I was little with my dad he would always tell me I would adventure the world and see the big apple, and here I am 

I see the crowds and crowds of people around, and I see Harry step behind me holding ripley he looks scared and I see he's trying to comfort him, too many people probably. Matthew said we were staying at the Hyatt hotel? I think thats what it was called, I see everyone file out of the bus and Niall starts to walk with the body guard to what seems to be our hotel, I see the lines and lines of screaming fans and I put my sunglasses on and harry holds my hand in one and holds onto ripely who's flinching to all the people as we walk in, the lobby of the place is pretty empty which is nice and I see rip calm down 

I see the elevator open and we all walk In and niall says something about a party tonight down in time square but I don't pay much attention my eyes stay on rip as he curls into my leg, I crouch down and I pet him and I give him kisses, "I love you baby" I whisper to him and he moves his head on my leg up and down like he's saying it back to me

the elevator opens and I see the hallway of hotel rooms, the security hands us our room keys, Ember and I, Louis and Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall. Matthew told us our specific rooms we think it has something to do with our lovely Patrick 

Ember and I's room is across the hall from Harrys and Lous I'm pretty sure I'll be spending a lot of time in Harrys room then my own, in New York its now around 3 in the afternoon and sound check is at 6 ember and I had a plan to take a nap though 

I open the door to leave our room and I knock on Harrys door, he opens in and I see rip run to the door, "just the person I wanted to see" I say and harry smiles but I tilt my head, "not you silly, my ripley boy" I crouch down again and rip tackles me to the floor making me laugh 

"are you leaving me for my dog?" he says leaning against the door and I stand up, "didn't know I could leave someone I'm not with" I joke and he rolls his eyes, "are you taking rip?" he asks changing the subject and I nod, "come on baby" I whisper grabbing hold of his leash and I turn my back to harry but I spin around real quick 

I press my lips to Harrys and he puts his hands on my waist, I hear him groan into me and I smile and I pull away, "I'll see you in a couple hours" I smirk and I turn to walk to my room, he doesn't say anything and I close the door behind me, "Come baby lets sleep" I say and he jumps onto the bed, I lay down and I see ember walk out of the bathroom. her hair up in a bun and she's still in her comfy clothes, "I'm going to fuck Lou kicking your boyfriend out do you want me to tell him to come here or go to niall?" she asks looking in the mirror 

"tell him to go to Nialls I'm gonna sleep with rip" I say and she nods kissing my forehead, "I'll come back to wake you up in a few love ya" I nod and I hear the door close along with my eyes 


"goldie" I hear my name being called and I slowly open my eyes, I see Harrys bright green eyes and he looks at me, "we're gonna be late love" he smiles and I turn over, "does it matter" I groan and I feel him grab me and turn me towards him, "we're dealign with Matthew" he says and I nod, I roll off the bed and I land on my feet 

I rub my eyes and I throw my hair back up into a bun and I throw a hoodie on over my white shirt I was wearing before, Frankie will dress me nice and I'll be good, "ready" I speak and he grabs my hand leading me out the door 

we get in the elevator with everyone and we left rip with food and one of the many people that make this tour happen like usual he looked like he was extra sad we had to go but I gave him extra kisses, I feel the elevator hit the floor and our security walks out and we walk behind them they lead us through the doors into the crowds of screaming fans as they try and grab the boys, I feel hands touch me all over to get to harry's who's next to me, I feel my hair get pulled and I yelp. Harry grabs my hand and brings me to him giving the fan a look 

"hey you alright" he asks and I rub my head where the girl pulled it, I nod and I look down walking into the car, "yea I'm okay" I say and the door closes behind Liam the noise of them screaming is drowned out into silence and we head towards Madison square garden


I hear the doors open for us and we run into the arena, I meet Frankie and Riley and they smile at all of us, "come on we need to get goin" Riley says and I nod, I walk with ember Lou and niall and I feel myself get pulled away from Harrys grip but his lips meet mine for a quick second and we separate going in opposite directions 

Frankie and I walk into my dressing room and I see the rack of clothes like always, she throws outfits at me and we laugh together but we finally decide on a sparkly dark green dress its shorter but not too short and its got tiny straps, I put on black strappy heals and she does my hair and make up 

she's leaves quickly to move onto ember and I walk around backstage checking everything out, I see its a lot bigger than any arena or stadium we've been to, I see the side of the stage and I see harry jumping around stage singing lowly into the mic and liam plays the drums just to test them out, I see Matthew staring at the them from where the crowd will be along with Jackson they're whispering to each other while harry, Zayn, and Liam dance around on stage 

"k your free go get dressed" Matthew shoes them off and they walk off, "Actually harry come here gotta talk to you for a second" Matthew points his finger to harry and he stops in his tracks, he looks at him and he walks to him slowly, they whisper and I see Harrys face change from calm to angry in a snap, Liam and Zayn see me and they walk up to me 

"you look pretty" Liam smiles and I nod but I keep my eyes on the conversation happening, "what are they talking about?" I ask them and they look to harry, Harrys face pale now I can see him start to sweat, "don't know, were gonna go get changed" Zayn says and they walk away

I let a breath out and I see Matthews eyes find mine, he gives me an evil grin and I see Harry turn towards me his face unreadable but he isn't mad, maybe worried or scared? 


Hi Goldies! New chapter! 

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