Chapter 11: HYDRA

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Loki's POV.

Something didn't feel right. I could feel my head spinning, which I thought would be normal until everyone had returned. Except I only counted eight.
Steve, Bucky, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, Thor, Banner, and Clint.

"We can't just leave her!" Wanda shouted, drawing me from my speculations.

"We can't do anything Wanda, we need to rethink our plan before someone else gets taken, or even worse KILLED." Natasha argued.

The Quinjet began to start up again, who had they left? I may have been asleep half of the ride over here but I thought I saw everyone who entered, leave. Unless I'm going mad and I'm dreaming.

"Exactly who is missing?" I asked, looking around in confusion.

"Shut up Reindeer Games!" He quickly stopped, "I- sorry, just give me a minute, let me think. Everyone be quiet." Tony had been stressed.

"You said no one left behind Tony." Bucky protested. "You said no one gets hurt. You SAID it would be an easy mission!" Bucky was angry. And he made sure everyone knew.

"Buck, we all have the same motive in mind. We will find her okay?" Steve tried to make the situation better by calming people down.

"You people are hysterical! Who ever is missing, I'm sure you will-" in realization I stopped.

Y/N's gone, she was here when we left, did they really leave her? She can't be out there by herself! She's too powerful, if she gets into the wrong hands-

I couldn't help but feel my muscles tense at the thought of Thanos. When I was defenseless. Unable to control myself.
I guess I caused a scene because now everyone was staring at me.

"You just left her? All alone! You know she can't wield her magic yet! Why would you let her do that!" I couldn't believe how idiotic they had been. Mere mortals leaving the most powerful, destructive addition to the team, to fend for themselves. And they call her apart of the team?

They abandoned her.

"Why do you care! You would love to see this planet in flames!" Tony started another argument.

"Because although, yes seeing this place bend at my every will and suffer is extremely pleasing, I will have you know, I've grown quite fond of her, a friend even! More than she can NOW, say for all of you!" I quickly became the center of attention, everyone shocked at what I had just said.

Friend. That's a new one.

"Look we don't have time for this. JARVIS, pull up the tracker in Y/N's suit." Tony said typing away.

"She's had a tracker all this time and you've wasted time fighting with me!" Everyone once again looking at me as if I had something all over my face.

Tony ignored my sudden outburst and looked relived.

"Ive got a location. We're coming kid. Hang in there." Tony let go of the breath he had been holding.


I woke up, once again, head pounding. It felt like a boulder just fell on me. I quickly clutched my head as the pain didn't stop. My magic, which usually helped, had been gone. No trace of any blue flames or even my healing.

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