Chapter 15: The Garden

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A/N: the next few chapters are going to be extremely long chapter so buckle up and enjoy!


Thor and I eventually made it to our destination and Frigga had greeted us.
Oh how I missed her. She's never looked better, happy and smiling.

"Oh my children! How has your travels been?" Her words wondered off in search for something.

"Where's my other son? He was to come with you two." She looked devastated.

"He- he didn't want to come...he made it pretty clear on not coming back." I said now looking at the floor again.

"I'm sure he will be here Mother. He just needs to make that decision for himself." Thor seemed hopeful. More than I could say I was.

Thor didn't hear his words. I was practically relinquished of our 'friendship' at that point.

My best friend had finally had enough of me.

"We are not friends!"

Ouch, those words felt like a jab to my heart. He really meant them, and that was what hurt the most.

I could feel my vision become blurred again, tears starting to form. I quickly looked at the floor to regain myself. Frigga ushered us to the castle to get settled in, when Odin had called for a celebration.

A celebration you didn't want to attend alone, but now you are.

Odin didn't want us here in the first place, and now he's celebrating our return? If he saw me he'd have my head on a silver platter! Nevertheless Frigga had shown me to my old room as if I had forgotten.

"Now dress formally, it's a big celebration!" She said smiling and clapping as she used to do.

Laid out before me had been a long baby blue ball gown, it was filled with silk and beautiful flowers along the train, with lace around the bodice and arms. I had never seen anything more gorgeous before.

I quickly got dressed and started on my hair.

What would I do with my hair! After a long period of time I just decided to do my hair how I used to style it.

(any hairstyle of your choosing)

I made my way to the ballroom where everyone once again had been waiting. My back towards the entrance.

Sif had noticed me and ran to me, I missed her too, all of my friends had been here.

"Wow, y/n. You have changed! Your dress is magical!" Sif looked me up and down, in awe at the dress I had been wearing.

The boys trotted over, giving me warm smiles and hugs. Giving me complements as they stared at the dress. Fandral had kissed my hand and gave me more complements than I could handle. Hogun, who I have only met briefly, took me aside.

"You look stunning tonight, My Lady." Kissing my hand I couldn't help but blush.

Although the comments were nice, I had another on my mind. Which he could tell by my absence of words. He glanced behind me and spoke.

"I should get back to the others. It seems you have a guest." He smiled warmly and walked back to the others. Confused at his words I turned around. And there he stood...


He was fuming. He had waved me over and looked as though he wanted nothing more than to start a fight. I reluctantly walked to him, greeting others on my way. I stood in place trying not to say any words. Before I could do anything he spoke. And I was terrified.

"I would say it's good to see you again, but I'm a man of truth." He sneered. I was getting more and more worried by the minute.

"You dare not speak when spoken to? I am your King!" He sneered once more, but this time, smiling at the passing people.

My hands begun to shake and my eyes had started to water. Why did I come back. I was going to be executed. He made that clear before I left. Thor had seen me standing by Odin and walked over, noticing my discomfort.

"Father! It's nice to see you again. I see you and Lady Y/N are speaking, I hope all good things!" He happily spoke.

"Of course, of course my son! Although I did notice my other- son is a nowhere to be seen. Did you make sure to tell him I offered him to come as well?" He said not taking his eyes of Thor and I.

"He will be here." Thor pleaded.

"He better be." Odin had turned to say. Now walking away for Thor and I.

I finally let my breath I had been holding out, wide-eyed, releasing my tears from my eyes. I wasn't crying, I was in mere shock and I was nervous. I couldn't cry. Not even if I wanted to.

"Lady Y/N, breathe. It's okay, he's gone." His words broke through the silence I had indulged myself in. He patted my head and told me to join him when I was ready.
I needed to get out of there. Somewhere quiet.

The Garden.

Loki's POV.

I can't help but think back to what Thor had been asking me. Is there something going on between Y/N and I?

That was impossible. We are merely friends. That's all.

I still should have gone. I know mother will be devastated. Not only that but I think I just lost my only friend. I wasn't really in the mood to be in anyone's company, but I needed to be there.

I shot up from my bed and started to gather some clothes. I decided that it would be wise if I brought, proper clothes. I got to the roof and called for Heimdall, I hate going through Bifrost, but I guess you get used to it.

I greeted Heimdall but he seemed anything but pleased to see me. Don't try and be friendly to the people you made enemies with.


I exited and saw only one horse. My black stallion which I had always taken to and from Asgard. I got on and rode slowly to the castle, only to be greeted by my Mother.

"I thought you'd never come!" She shouted and rushed towards me. Throwing her arms around me smiling. My mother has always been a cheerful one. Even when I couldn't be.

"I think there's someone who you need to apologize to." She scolded.

"She told you?" I looked a little betrayed.

"Of course not, i am a witch boy!
I read her mind!" She said defensively.

"Mother!" Of course she had she wasn't always one for privacy.

"Go!" She shouted, and I walked past her.

"And dress nicely. There's a celebration in your return!" She gleefully shouted. Oh happy me. Something I won't enjoy.

Nonetheless I still got dressed in my black suit which had a trim of green and gold on it. I swiftly made my way to the ball room and entered. Luckily Odin hadn't been there. Thor approached me angrily.

"You have some nerve Brother. Showing up after that outburst of yours. I cannot believe you. You better enjoy yourself." He said turning away trying his best to not tear me to shreds and then turning back around.

"You should go speak with her. Odin made her really uncomfortable. That is, if you still declare her as a friend." He sneered.

Guilty at what he had implied, I only nodded as he pointed to where she had gone.

The Garden.

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