Chapter Thirteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

How could I do that?! How could I be so stupid! I feel like such an idiot! What have I done?! Niall and I we nearly kissed, I nearly kissed Niall. How could I do something like that? God only knows the amount of confusion I've put in his head now. He probably hates me, He must think I'm some kind of a freak, That I was using him. I really should learn to control myself sometimes. This really is my fault, If I've fucked things up with Niall then I take full responsibility for it, But deep down I hope I haven't. I really do care for Niall, I can't deny that anymore, Having him back in my life has just proven to me how much he really does mean to me. All I want to do is protect him, I want to protect him from harm and make sure he's never hurt ever again, I want to be the one who ensures no more tears fall from his eyes. I know I can protect him, But I feel that now I've fucked everything up. Things with me and Niall have been awkward since that night, We've barely spoke to eachother and things have just been tense. I want to talk to Niall about what happened but then I would have to go into why I did it, I didn't want to scare Niall off. It was a heat of the moment thing but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Niall. I've never looked at a boy that way before, Maybe that's why I'm so freaked out? 

The doorbell ringing was what snapped me from my thoughts.I sighed before making my way down the stairs, I opened the door to find Cher standing there she smiled at me before making her way inside, I mentally slapped myself when she finds out she's going to eat me alive.

"Hey Zayn, Where's Niall?" She asked.

"He's gone out with my mum, Food shopping I think" I replied.

"Oh, I thought he was spending the day here doing his homework, That's why I came round" She revealed.

"Oh well no he's not here, Things are a little awkward with us right now" I informed her.

"Why? What did you do to him?!" Cher stated with a glare in her eyes.

"Nothing! Well not physically anyway" I mumbled.

"Zayn I trusted you with him! What the hell have you done?!" Cher stated.

"I sort of nearly kissed him" I whispered.

"You did what?" Cher chocked out.

"Don't make me say it again" I replied.

"What possessed you to do that?" Cher asked.

"I don't know! It was like the heat of the moment, It just felt right at that time the moment was perfect" I exclaimed.

"Did you kiss him?" She said.

"No, My mum called out before we did" I replied.

"Did Niall want to kiss you?" Cher asked.

"I don't know, He was leaning in but I don't know, Things have been awkward with us since" I stated.

"Do you care about him?" She asked.

"Of course I do" I replied.

"Do you love him?" She exclaimed.

"I-I I don't know" I whispered.

"Well I'd think about it if I was you" Cher replied.

"I have feelings for him I know that much, But there's no way he would feel the same way about me, Besides I couldn't put him through that" I exclaimed.

"Why?" Cher asked.

"Everything he's been through with his dad, How can I expect him to go through something else" I replied.

"Were talking about possible love Zayn it's not like that's a bad thing" Cher said.

"It is if I end up hurting him" I stated.

"Would you?" Cher asked.

"Well no, But it's not the point, Why would he like me Cher were friends we've barely gotten our friendship back how am I supposed to throw feelings into it" I asked.

"You can't always help who you fall inlove with Zayn, These things happen, But it's up to you what you do now" Cher exclaimed, I sighed before lowering my head.

"I need your help" I stated.

Sometimes you have to take risks, I know full well mine and Niall's friendship hasn't fully healed yet but honestly I don't want his friendship, I want more from Niall and I think I always will. I care for Niall and it's more then just a friendship caring. I don't want to put him under pressure or make him feel like I'm forcing him into something, But I can't help the way I feel. They say it's better to be hurt by the truth then deceived by a lie. I've asked Cher to help me and she's going to plan the perfect date for me and Niall, Then I would bite the bullet and tell him how I feel, Maybe it will work out maybe it won't, But all I know is I have to try.

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