Chapter Nine

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Wanting to go back is apart of life, We all want to go back to a time in our life that we loved the most. A time when we were happy, I'm like everyone else out there, I want to go back, I want to go back to a time where I was happy. A time when my mum was still alive, A time when my dad loved me, Not now when he loves to beat me. I miss feeling loved by the people around me, My mum always knew how to make me smile, She was the one person I felt safe with, When I was in her arms I felt like nothing could hurt me. She always wanted me to try my best at everything and no matter how bad I did at something she would still be proud of me. I miss my old life, I miss the life I had where the only thing I had to worry about was getting my school work in on time. Things change so quickly, You should always appreciate the things you have in life because they could be taken away from you at any moment. I used to be one of those people who took life for granted I was never thankful for the things I have, Now I have to be thankful for the things I had. I sighed to myself before going through my bag, Two weeks before my mum died she gave me a bracelet, A bracelet she was given by her mother. I realized last night that the bracelet was no longer on my wrist, I figured Cher had chucked it into my bag when she came to get me, But it's not in there,  Where the fuck is it? I groaned as I pulled through all my clothes, It's not here, And there's only one place it could be, My house, But if I go there there's a chance I could run into my dad, But I can't be without that bracelet, When I wear it it makes me feel closer to my mum. Fuck it I need the bracelet, I quickly grabbed my phone and keys before leaving the Malik house.

Zayn's Pov:

"Niall, Can we t-, Niall? Niall where are you?" He was here before I went into the shower, Where the hell would he be? I quickly chucked on a shirt before making my way into the kitchen, He wasn't there, I then made my way into the garden, He wasn't there either, I groaned before making my way back inside, I pulled out my phone before realizing I don't have Niall's number. Suddenly the doorbell went off and I rolled my eyes before going to answer it.

"Cher? What you doing here?" I asked as she walked into the house.

"Niall invited me over" She replied, I nodded my head

"Well he's not here" I informed her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean he's not here, I went for a shower and when I came back all his clothes were thrown on the floor and he was gone" I stated, Cher gave me a confused look before pulling out her phone. She dialed a number before holding her phone up to her ear.

"Niall where are you? Your what?! Niall no! Niall you stay there you don't go in! Niall? Hello? Damnit! Come on we have to go!" Cher stated as she grabbed my arm. I quickly grabbed my car keys before running out the house with her.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we climbed into my car.

"Niall's gone home, He can't find his mums bracelet" Cher stated.

"He what?!" I yelled as I started the car up, I then quickly reversed out the driveway and speeded down the streets.

We arrived at Niall's house only minutes later, To find him walking up the driveway, We quickly jumped out the car.

"Niall no!" Cher yelled, I quickly ran forward and grabbed Niall before he could reach the house, Tears were falling from his eyes.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" I exclaimed as my grip on Niall tightened.

"I have to get the bracelet! It's her bracelet!" Niall cried out.

"Niall your dad could have been home, Do you have any idea what he would have done to you!" Cher stated.

"Of course I know, But it's her bracelet" Niall whispered.

"Nialler you can't go in there" I said, Niall eyes widened.

"Don't tell me what to do! You have no right to tell me what to do! I hate you! I hate you Zayn!" Niall yelled as he began to repeatedly hit me in the chest, I never loosened my grip I only continued holding onto him.

"Niall calm down we'll get the bracelet ok? We'll get it" Cher said, Niall began to calm down as he broke down in my arms, He gripped to my body tightly crying. It broke my heart, How could I let him get like this? Instead of seeking popularity I should have been his friend.

"I'm sorry Niall, I really am" I whispered.

"Sorry isin't always enough" Niall mumbled.

"I know it's going to take more then words, I know I have alot of making up to do but I'm willing to do it" I stated, Niall said nothing.

"He is sorry Niall" Cher stated.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"I've seen it, I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it" Cher said, Niall sighed.

"I can't just forgive you straight away" Niall exclaimed.

"I know, Whatever it takes I'll do it, I just want to be there for you" I stated.

"Don't expect to much from me, Not straight away, This won't heal over night" Niall replied, I nodded my head.

"I know" I stated, Niall smiled slightly.

"Come on, Let's get out of here" Cher stated, I nodded my head before pulling Niall to his feet. "I'll drive, Zayn you get in the back with Niall" Cher said, I smiled at her before nodding my head, I then opened the back door and let Niall climb in, After that I climbed in, Niall shifted his body close to me, I put my arm around him and allowed him to fall asleep beside me.

Once we arrived back at my house I carried Niall straight to the sofa, I informed him that I was going to order some take out, I asked Cher if she would like to stay but she said she has to get home, I said I would see her to the door but really I wanted to say thank you. 

"Thanks for today" I said once I opened the door.

"Don't make me regret it Zayn, You've been given a second chance and you better not fuck it up" She stated.

"I won't, He needs me, I see that now" I said, Cher nodded her head.

"You better not hurt him Zayn, I swear if you do it's going to be the last thing you ever do" Cher warned.

"I won't hurt him, I want to be there for him" I exclaimed.

"Good, Tell Niall I'll see him tomorrow, And Zayn when he's upset he loves his cuddles" Cher said with a smile, I returned the smile before saying goodbye to Cher, I then made my way back to the sofa and sat with Niall, He cuddled into me straight away. I know we had a long way to go, But this was a good start, I wasn't going to let Niall down not again.

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