Chapter Seventeen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

This chapter is dedicated to JordanStyles5

Zayn's Pov:

Niall hasn't been the same since he got the news about his dad wanting to see him. I can understand why he's upset about it but why does he have to shut me out? I finally felt like we were getting somewhere, Like he could confined in me no matter what, But now he's just closed off all over again. He's barely sleeping at night, He dosen't seem to want to speak about anything, All he wants to do is lay in my arms. I'm worried about him, I don't want Niall to feel like he's alone. I want him to know that's it's ok to be afraid, That I'm there for him so he dosen't need to feel alone. How am I supposed to get that message across when anytime I try and speak to him he just asks me to hold him? I wish there was something I could say or do to take his fear away. I know I can contact Cher and she would be over in a heartbeat but is it crazy that I don't want her around? Is it so bad of me to want to help Niall myself? I know Cher loves Niall but so do I. I want Niall to run to me, Not her. I sighed as I took a sip of water, Why am I being so selfish? It shouldn't be about who Niall turns to, It should just be about him turning to someone he can talk to, I'm just being stupid.

"Zayn? What are you doing up so early?" My mum asked as she made her way into the kitchen.

"I couldn't sleep, Niall didn't fall asleep until three, After I sat up with him I just couldn't get back to sleep" I replied.

"Hmm, How is he?" She questioned as she filled the kettle up.

"I don't know, I know he's afraid but he's not exactly showing it, All he wants me to do is hold him, He won't speak to me about anything, I'm getting worried" I exclaimed.

"Maybe that's his way of dealing with things?" My mum said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, Niall went through alot with his dad, All he wanted was for someone to hold him and keep him safe, So maybe that's all he wants now, His dad wanting to see him would have been a shock to Niall and it may have scared him after everything he's been through he's bound to be afraid that it's going to happen again" She explained.

"So you mean he's scared of going to see his dad incase his dad lashes out and hurts him again? That's why he's always wanting me to hold him to take the fear away?" I asked, My mum nodded her head in agreement. "But Niall should know I'd never let his dad hurt him, Even if he did go to hurt Niall again I'd get in the way" I stated.

"Maybe Niall knows that, Maybe he dosen't want you getting hurt the same way he did, In Niall's mind he thinks shutting you out is going to protect you" She exclaimed, I sighed before nodding my head.

"Mum I need to go and see Cher, I mean she has a right to know what's going on with Niall, Can you stay with him?" I asked, She nodded her head and I gave her a quick hug before grabbing my jacket, I then left the house.

I texted Cher asking if she could meet me, I told her it was important. She wasn't to happy about being dragged out of bed so early but she agreed to meet me. I took a deep breath when I saw her sitting on the bench in the park, She was going to freak at me, I know she was.

"Hi" I mumbled as I sat beside her.

"What's so important that it couldn't wait until a decent hour?" Cher asked.

"It's Niall" I replied, Cher's eyes widened.

"What's wrong with him? What's happened?" Cher questioned.

"His dads been in contact, He wants Niall to go and visit him" I informed her.

"Oh, Is he going to go?" Cher asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, He's been really distant since, He's barely speaking all he wants me to do is hold him" I explained.

"When did he find out?" Cher asked.

"Two nights ago" I replied, I then felt a slap around the back off my head.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" Cher yelled.

"Because I thought he would open up to me but he hasn't" I exclaimed.

"You can't just expect him to open up straight away, Zayn he was abused for years, You can call it whatever you like but it was abuse. Niall spent so long keeping everything inside so he dosen't know how to open up to a person. You have to make sure Niall knows your there for him, That your not going anywhere" Cher explained.

"I've tried" I whispered.

"Well try harder! If you love him you wouldn't give up. You promised Niall you would be there for him and now he does need you, So man up Niall dosen't have strength right now, You have to be his strength, Don't let him down Zayn not when it really matters" Cher exclaimed.

"I won't" I promised not only to Cher but to myself.

Cher was right, I had to be Niall's strength. I spent so long not being there for him. Niall's never known how to lean on somebody, He's been alone for so long, I have to make Niall see that he's not alone anymore, This was never going to be easy but I wouldn't have it any other way. I took a deep breath as I made my way into my bedroom, Niall was sitting on my bed playing around on my laptop, I smiled at him before slowly making my way over.

"Nialler can we talk?" I asked, Niall looked up from the laptop before nodding his head.

"Ok?" He whispered.

"It's about your dad, Now before you freak out and ask me to hold you I'll do it but Niall you need to listen to me" I stated.

"I don't want to talk about it" Niall whispered.

"Well we have to, Niall I know your afraid, And it's ok for you to be scared, Your dad he hurt you in ways I can never understand and I probably never will understand, But I care about you Ni, So I care when your hurting. Niall I need you to know that I'm here for you no matter how much you push me away" I stated, Niall sighed as he pulled my laptop to the side, He then gave me a pleading look, I opened my arms as Niall crawled into them. 

"I'm sorry for shutting you out" Niall whispered.

"You don't need to be scared Niall, I'd never let your dad hurt you again" I promised him.

"Will you come with me?" Niall asked.

"To go and see him?" I questioned as I gently stroked Niall's back, Niall nodded his head. "Of course I will" I replied.

"I love you Zayn" Niall whispered, My eyes lit up and a smile spread across my face.

"I love you too Ni" I replied as I held Niall closer, Nobody was ever going to hurt him again, I'm going to make sure of that. 

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