Chapter Fourteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Things haven't been right with Zayn and I since that night, Were hardly speaking or looking at eachother. It's awkward, Zayn and I we were finally getting back on track, It was taking time but we were doing it, But now that's happened it seems like were back to square one. I took every chance I could to get away from the silence. I knew Zayn and I needed to talk, We had to sort everything out, But how was I supposed to start a conversation like that? We both leaned in for the kiss, So does that mean that we wanted to kiss eachother? I groaned as I realized it was time I got up to get ready for school, I quickly got up from the bed and made my way over to Zayn's wardrobe, I then grabbed a pair of jeans before going to grab a shirt. The moment I picked one up Zayn walked into the room, Things were silent for a good few minutes before he finally spoke.

"Erm Niall I'm not going in today, Fancy bunking with me?" Zayn asked.

"I really shouldn't" I replied.

"It's one day Niall, Please?" Zayn pleaded, I sighed before nodding my head in agreement.

"Ok, But I better text Cher to let her know" I exclaimed.

"She already knows, I told her" He informed me.

"How did you know that I would bunk?" I questioned.

"I didn't, I just hoped that you would" Zayn replied, I smiled slightly.

"So what are we going to do for the day?" I asked.

"Get changed then I'll show you" Zayn replied before leaving the room.

I had no idea what Zayn had planned, Maybe he wanted to act like nothing ever happened between us? Or maybe he wants us to talk about it? Either way I was nervous. I was then shocked when Zayn took us outside into his garden, He then signalled up to the tree house that we built with our dads when we were little kids. Zayn and I would be up there all the time, In our own little imaginary world.

"Come on" Zayn said as he began climbing the ladder, I followed after him until we were inside.

"Do you remember when we hid from our parents up here? Because we flooded the kitchen?" Zayn asked, I laughed happily before nodding my head.

"Yeah, We had so many good times up here" I replied.

"It's like this is the heart of our friendship you know? It's where we would spend all our time" Zayn added. "Niall listen the other night, I think we need to talk about it" Zayn stated.

"Yeah we do" I mumbled.

"Niall listen I don't want to lie to you, I want us to be honest with eachother, I know what an asshole I was to you, I also know that I didn't deserve your forgiveness when you gave it to me, This isin't fair on you, And I shouldn't be feeling like it but I am" Zayn stated.

"Zayn your scaring me" I whispered, Zayn shook his head before putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Ni, I know you've been through alot, And I promise you won't go through anything alone ever again, I want to protect you Niall, I guess what I'm trying to say is I like you, I really like you" Zayn exclaimed, My heart was beating faster then it ever has before, Did Zayn really just say that?

"You like me?" I whispered.

"Yeah, Niall please don't hate me, I didn't plan for this to happen it just did, All I want to do is protect you" Zayn stopped talking the second I flung my body into his arms, Zayn held onto me tightly as a smile spread across my face.

"So does this mean you like me to?" Zayn asked, A blush spread across my cheeks as I nodded my head.

"I feel safe around you, I don't feel that with alot of people, But I do with you" I exclaimed, Zayn smiled once again before looking me in the eyes.

"Erm can I?" I nodded my head answering Zayn's question, He then slowly began to lean in, Before I knew it his lips were on mine and I felt fireworks light up inside of me, We pulled away slowly with smiles plastered on both our faces.

"Zayn I want to take things really slow, Can we take each day as it comes?" I asked, Zayn nodded his head.

"We can go at whatever pace you want Ni" Zayn stated, I exhaled deeply before linking my fingers in with Zayn's.

"Can we go for a walk? I want to take you somewhere" I whispered, Zayn nodded his head before standing up, He then extended his hand to me and I took it gratefully.

We went for a walk through the park, Zayn had his arm firmly around my shoulder as we walked along, I knew where we were going and I had a feeling Zayn knew to. This was something I wanted us to do, It's personal for me, I'll never have the proper chance to do it, But for now this will have to do. 

"Hi mum, Sorry I haven't come to see you in a while, Schools been pretty crazy, Dad's still in rehab but you probably know that, Something else has happened to, Something amazing, Zayn and I are together were taking things slow but I'm happy mum, He's made me happy, Did you ever think it? Your little boy would be happy again?" I stated as I felt Zayn's arms around me I leaned into his touch. "He's brilliant mum, He's been so amazing and he hasn't let me down"

"I never would" Zayn added, I smiled. "You raised an amazing son, I know I should have been there when he really needed me, And I can't say sorry enough for the fact I wasn't there, But I really care about him and I want him to be happy, I want to protect him" Zayn exclaimed, I smiled slightly before turning back to look at my mums grave.

"I'm safe now mum you don't have to worry about me anymore, I love you mum and I'll come and see you soon" I said before standing up, I then extended my hand to Zayn before slowly walking away, He put his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

"You ok?" He whispered, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I just needed to tell her I was ok, Then she really could rest in peace" I exclaimed, Zayn nodded as we walked back to his car.

"I meant what I said Ni, I want to protect you" Zayn said.

"I know, But Zayn this relationship it won't be perfect not straight away anyway, I'm not used to it, So it's going to take a long time" I whispered, Zayn nodded his head.

"Take as long as you need, I don't actually want perfect, I suppose I just want you, Sounds kind of cheesy and lame I know" Zayn stated, I shook my head before pulling him into a hug.

"It dosen't sound lame or cheesy it sounds perfect" I whispered as I cuddled close to him. Zayn was saving me, In more ways then he actually knows, We had a long way to go, Well I did at least, But one thing I knew is we were on the right track and I hoped that's how we would stay.

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