Chapter Two

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story,  I really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

This chapter is dedicated to skipperM1 to say thank you for dedicating one of her chapters to me, So thank you and I hope you like this one.

Niall's Pov:

The morning after the night before is always the worse, For most people that's when there hangovers kick in after a night of getting wasted, For me it's when my body finally processes the pain of the night before, Normally I can handle the pain and I sleep straight through it but this time it was different, This time I awoke at 5AM when a shot of pain went right through me, I began taking deep breaths thinking that would help, No such luck. This honestly has to be the worst pain I've ever felt, I inhaled deeply as I slowly got to my feet, Normally having a shower helps me deal with the pain, Maybe it will help this time. I made my way to the bathroom careful not to wake my dad, I then slowly began to strip once I'd locked the bathroom door, I sighed looking at the fresh cuts covering my body, Dried blood covered most of them, Then there were some fresh bruises coming through, I want my mum, None of this would be happening is she was here, Why couldn't she be here? 

I inhaled deeply as I made my way into school, The pain hasn't stopped, More to the point it hasn't gotten easier to deal with, The pains getting worse as each minute passes why couldn't it be the weekend? With every move I make my body cries out begging me to just stop but I can't. On the way to my locker I walked straight past the popular crowd, Thankfully they were to busy caught up in there own little world. I had just opened my locker when I heard Cher's voice.

"Nialler! Guess who passed History?" She stated as she rushed towards me.

"Hmm let me think, My little Cher bear?" I replied desperately trying to cover the pain surging through my body.

"Bingo!" She said happily, I closed my locker before smiling at her she then jumped on me happily hugging me, I winched not expecting her to do that she normally just opens her arms, Cher pulled away from the hug instantly.

"Niall what's wrong?" She asked concern filling her voice.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"Bullshit, Who's touched you?!" She exclaimed.

"Nobody, I slipped as I was getting out the shower, No big deal" I lied.

"Niall don't lie to me! If someones laid a finger on you I will rip there kidneys out!" Cher stated.

"Cher please, Nobodys touched me" I replied, Cher sighed before nodding her head. She then pulled me into a gentle hug.

"Don't pretend to be strong Niall, I'm here for you through anything" She whispered, She then handed me her house keys telling me to go back to hers and get some sleep, That she would cover for me with the teachers, I thanked her before leaving, Maybe I can turn to her? No! Niall you can't put her through that! 

Zayn's Pov:

Somethings wrong with Niall, I can see it in his eyes. People will say I have no right to worry for him, I walked away from him, But it's not true, I mean it is but it's not like that, Me and Niall we drifted apart, We stopped being who we used to be, I got new friends and well Niall went off with Lloyd, But that dosen't mean I stopped caring, I watched on as he spoke to Cher, When she jumped on him I saw pain spread across his face, None of my friends have touched him so I know it's not them, I then saw Cher hand Niall a key, Niall smiled before thanking her and leaving, Cher then began to make her way down the corridor, I excused myself from my mates before chasing after her.

"Cher! Cher! Wait up!" I yelled. Cher stopped in her tracks.

"What do you want Malik" She spat.

"To talk" I replied.

"Well I'm not in the mood to fuck around with you right now" She said before walking off once again, I sighed.

"It's about Niall!" I yelled. Cher swung back around anger showing in her eyes.

"You stay the fuck away from him!" She shouted.

"I just want to make sure he's ok" I stated.

"If you or your friends touched him I swea-"

"Nobodys touched him, Look I just want to make sure he's ok" I replied.

"It has nothing to do with you" She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you fucking walked away from him! You ditched him when something better came along, You do what your best at and mind your own fucking business" Cher yelled.

"I want to make sure he's ok is that a crime?" I whispered.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, But even if I did I'd never tell you! As far as you caring your years to fucking later, Stay away from him Zayn, There's nothing you can do for him, He has me he dosen't need a waste of decent air like you" Cher stated before walking off, I sighed heavily, I've really fucked up. 

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