chapter 1🤗

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So Guys, finally chapter 1 is out. YAYYY

And in sometimes i writed hindi, but i also wrote in brackets the same sentencein English, for the people who don't know Hindi.

I will use for Someone SM and for Someone 2 SM 2.

SM: OMG, I am super exited. Finally I am going to india. Yesssssss🤗
SM 2: Avu, pls come downstairs quickly. You will miss your flight.
SM: Okay Mum. I'm cominggggg.
SM 2: Hurry up Avu!
   (SM is our Avneet/Avu and SM2 ist Sonia aunty)
Avu: I'm behind you Mum.
Sonia: Beta, tum itni dehr kiu laganti aa?! (Child, what take you so long?!)
Avu: Sorry Mum, I have to go now, or I will miss my flight. And don't tell Jai, that I will come today to india.
Sonia: Yes Avu, I know. Take care and when your flight will land in india, call me. And don't eat so much fast food.
Avu: Yes mum🙄🙂 and now bye.
Sonia: Areee, apne shoes to pale! (Where your shoes!)
Avu: Whatttt, ohhhh. Sorry. Mum, i will miss you
Sonia: I will miss you to. Did you take your college permission?
Avu: Yes, it's in my purse. Where are my suitcases?
Sonia: In the car.
Avu: Okay bye mum. I have to go now, otherwise I will miss my flight.
Sonia: Go, take care and call me when your flight lands.

 Sonia: Go, take care and call me when your flight lands

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Avu's look
Skips to airport.
Avu'pov: Thank God I am not late.
Writer's pov: Thank me not God!
Avu's pov:I was going to the bathroom when I suddenly tripped over someone, I almost lost myself in his eyes, but I pulled myself together, we got up and he yelled at me.
Boy: Don't you have eys?! Can't u see or walk properly?
Avu: Can't you see?! I don't want to miss my flight so pls excuse me.
Avu's pov: I went to the washroom and then black to my seats, to go to the plane. When suddenly...

So guys, this was the Chapter, hope you like it. Pls tell me in the comments what your favourite part was and what you didn't liked. And who you think the boy is.


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