chapter 15

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Hey guys.
I know the Goals are not complete and I am disappointed, so pls complete the goals.  Cause only ONE COMMENT?!

Anyways. Let's start🤷‍♀️💞

Doctor: Ya, actually she is discharged now.
Ashdeep:Oh ok. Let's take her home.
*at nigam mansion*
Sid: It's my fault. I should have protect her. I am so bad. Why is God doing this? Why? She was cute, sweet...
Sid: Dada. Will Avu cover up?
Sid:Yes, I am talking about Avu, Avneet kaur. She is sweet, has brown eyes and is the cousin of Ashi and she is hot, beautifull...
Vaish: Shut up Chatterbox! Look there!
Sid pov
I was thinking about Avu, when Vaishu asked me. Like did she forgot mine Avu? Wait. Why will she be mine Avu? Whatever. I started to describe her, when she says I should look at the main door. I saw there a blushing Avu. Why is she blushing🤔🤨🤷‍♂️.
Abhi: Avu! How are you feeling? What said the doctor?
Fainat, Arily and Jaireem:Avuuuu
Ufff, I want to talk with her. Wait! Why do I want to talk with her?! Whatever.
Sid:Avneet. How are you? Aae you feeling well? That bastard boys, If i will see them again, I will kill them and make sure they won't forget me in their future lives. Th-...
Abhi:Ok, stop Romeo. Let her rest.
Oh shit. I think I am in love with Avu.
Sm: Think?!
Me:You again😑🤐😒
Sm: Yes it's me, your....
Me:I know I know.
Sm: You are in Love
Me: How do you now?!
(Au:Sorry guys, I think, I wrote it wrong, but you all are very smart so you know it. Anyways, let's continue)
Me: Ok,Ok. Let me alone now, I have to impress her, and then I have to propose her.
Me: Whateva🙄😁
Abhi: Sid! I want to talk with you! Now!
Sid:Ok,Ok bhaya.
*they went to a corner*
Abhi: Sid, don't hurt her!
Sid:What, bhaya! Who should I hurt, and why?
Abhi:You know, what I am talking about.
Sid: No
Abhi:  I am talking about Avneet! I know you love her, but I won't let you hurt her.
Sid: Bhaya, you should be on my side!
Abhi: WHAT?! So you want to hurt her?!
Sid's pov:
Oh shit what did I say?!
Sid:No no,bhaya. I loved her na, why should I hurt her. Ok bye, I am sleepy now.
Pov ends
Abhi's pov:
I know Sid, that you can change, but don't want to. But I swear, if you will hurt Avu, then I won't talk to you ever, in fact the whole gang won't. She is innocent. She didn't did anything. It was that bitch who left you! But wait, Sid said he loves her, so I must have to tell her the truth about his past, and I should know the truth about her past.
But for first, I should tell it Vaishu Jaan, and I also should sleep.
Dear Reader, tell me in the comments, if Sid loves Avu, or will he be like a devil for ever, while I will sleep.
Good nighttt😙😴
And don't forget to vote.
Pov ends

Hey guyyyyssss,
The goals are not completed I know, but I have 15+followers, that's why I am updating.

Anyways, do what Abhi bhaya said😙😁😂


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