Chapter 22

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Heeyyyyyy! I am back🕶🤏🔜😎
Did you miss me?
Let's starttttttttttttt!
Avu's POV
I was sleeping peacefully, without any problems, without any fear, without any pain, without a fake smile, and then,...I woke up. And suddenly, nothing ever mattered anymore. It all went dark, and black.
And then she fainted.
(Ps:Avus POV is written before by RimaKhan2 she writes amazing poems ✨)
Back to story;)
Vaish: Avu! Avuuu! Avuuuuuuu! Open the door! Avu! Please open the door! Avu?!!!!! Abhiiiiiii!
Abhi: Why are you screaming Vaish? Why are you crying? What happened?
Vaish: Abhi, Avu is not opening the door. Do something. Please!!!!
Abhi: Waitttt. I have a spare key to her room. Let me open it.
Vaish: Yeah, do fast.
He opened her room and foun her sleeping on her bed.
Vaish: she looks so cute while sleeping
And she took her hand.
Vaish: A...a...abhi. Why is her body so cold. 😣
Abhi: Wait, let me call the doctor.
After 10min
DOC: Are you out of mind?!
Abhinavi: What happened doctor?
DOC: She is....


Vaish: Doctor please say.

Abhi:please say na!!!

Doc: she fainted.

Hola ppl✨
Byeeee 😽

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