Chapter 27

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Rowan POV

"Hello, Rowan." The interviewer smiles at me.

I am in a room. With the interviewer. I glance a look around the room. I can feel my nerves rising. Increasing. What if they ask me about Peyton? Of course they will. What if they ask me about Corey? No doubt about it. They're going to flood me with questions and I can't stop them. I have to answer them the best I could. But not give anything away.

But how could I? They already know.

"Hi," I smile.

"So, Rowan," she starts. "I hope you'll like to tell how old you are."

"I'm, like, thirteen," I grin.

"You're, like, thirteen?" She laughs.

"Well, yeah!" I smile. "I mean, I didn't just turn thirteen, and it's not my fourteenth birthday for awhile,"

She laughs. "Right. Well I'm Stacie." She introduces. "I'm guessing everyone's heard of your little incident. Can you explain what happened with you, Corey, and Peyton?"

I bite my lip and stare at the camera. Knowing that they're watching. That Peyton and Corey are watching me. I take a deep breath and smile at Stacie. "Well, it happened during our live tapping, when Corey didn't say his line."

"I see," she tilts her head. "Did Corey say something about a kiss before he left the scene?"

I slightly nod. I can't deny it. They filmed the whole thing. "Yeah."

"But then Peyton seemed to have heard, and got jealous," she looks at me like a predator watching its prey. Trying to get the weak animal into its trap. I sit and stare at her. Trying to think of an answer for this. She knows, everyone knows. But people think I'm too young to be in a relationship. Sure, maybe they're right. But I know what a relationship is, and what it means.

"Um...yeah, kinda." I laugh. Trying to play it cool.

"His facial expression, how he talked, and how he acted towards you. It seemed like, you've guys been 'in contact' before. Have you?"

"Of course we have! We work together."

She smiles at me. "Yes, but what I mean is, have you guys ever had any romantic contact before?"

"Romantic contact?" I raise my eyebrows. "Well, on set, yeah!"

She gives me a confused look.

"Oh! You mean, like, reality? Like. For real?"

She nods.

She already knows my answer. Why would she want me to say it, when she already knows? She probably wants me to confirm it. Wants me to admit it. "We've gone on a date. If you remember, paparazzi found us."

"Oh I think everyone remembers. Was that when the ship Reyton sailed?"

"Um...well, not exactly. I think Reyton would sail if people actually caught us kissing or something."

"So you have kissed?"

My face heats up. I can feel my cheeks blushing. Gosh, Rowan. You just admitted that we have kissed! "Uh..." I look into the camera and bite the inside of my cheek. "I didn't say that, did I?"


"Cause, I'm pretty sure that, that wouldn't happen. He's, like, way older than I am!" I break out a fake laugh.

"Okay." She raises one eyebrow. "So what about the Corey kiss, he's almost the same age as Peyton. That doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?"

She just said what I've been thinking my whole life.

"It kinda sounded like you were covering up something. How about you just tell us a cute moment you and Peyton had." Her face brightens when she finishes.

"There's this time when I rode in his car, and we both sang along to Beyoncè on the radio." I smiled at the thought of that.

"Sounds like you two are great friends."

"Yeah, of course!"

"More than friends?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Best friends," I say.

She gives me a look like I've been caught. She laughs. "Alright, Rowan, it was nice meeting you."

"You too, Stacie." I smile at her. Then into the camera.

They shut off the camera. I hop off the couch and walk back to where my family is. My mom and my sister, Carmen stand waiting for me. They both smile.

"Was Corey your first kiss, Rowan?" My mom asks.

"Uh..." I hesitate.

"When did you kiss?"

"After we finished filming."

"Was it a good kiss?"


"Okay. Okay." She smiles at me and we walk back to our car. Carmen looks at me and shoots me a funny look. She then grabs my arm and pulls me into the girl's restroom.

"What's going on, Carmen?" I raise my eyebrows. "I blew it, didn't I?" I start panicking. My eyes widen.

"Yes." She replies firmly. "But I think that Mom thinks you and Corey like each other." She adds.

"But didn't she see the tape of him walking out and everything?"

"I guess not."

"But...but I don't like Corey that way. He's my best friend. Or was."

"Don't say that. We have to fix the Cowan friendship. And we must fix my Reyton dreams." She smiles warmly. I open up my arms and she walks right into them.

I smile. "Maybe you're not such a bad little sister."

She looks at me. "Nah, I'm the good sister."

"Oh, so I'm the bad sister?" I smirk.

"Well you sure have been acting like one."

I gasp. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that the media thinks you are. With you 'cheating' on Peyton with Corey an all."

"Right." I frown.

She gives me a sad look. "Who cares what they think? C'mon, let's go home." She grabs my arm and leads me to the car. That's when we passed a boy with brown hair and a camera in his hand.

"Rowan!" Corey says running up to us. "I watched the interview. You seemed to hesitate a lot."

"I know."

Carmen tugs my arm.

"Sorry, Cor, but I got to go."

He smiles sadly. "Okay. Bye, Row."

I wave him bye. I look at Carmem confusedly. "I thought you wanted me and Corey to become good friends again,"

"I do." She says. "But with Peyton, too."


"Peyton has to be with you. And both of you have to befriend Corey again. Together. After what Peyton did to him, I don't want him to go all 'hulk' again and like beat him up. You could stop him."

"But I didn't last time."

"This time you will."

I sigh. "Peyton's just not the type to do that. Fight with someone, I mean."

"Jealousy can be dangerous."

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Follow me on Instagram! It's @http.rowanmeyer and I make cool video edits of Rowan, Sabrina, and Reyton! I also make some picture edits but they're not as good as my friend Andrea, @RileyFriar so shoutout to her!



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