Chapter 17: Departure

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"Then I'll be going now."

Carsein hopped on a horse that he will be riding towards the Monique Manor before departing to the estate. He said his farewells towards the two red-haired men who were there to send him off, his father and older brother.

"Wait a minute, Sein." Kaysian halt him from leaving. "Can't you wait a little longer? Mother is still not here yet..."

Carsein scratched the back of his head and expressed a guilty smile. He recalled the events that happened a few days ago, when he told the duchess about the date of his departure. The light-blue haired woman just scoffed and said, "What does that have anything to do with me? Do what you want, and don't expect that I'll be there to send you off that day."

'She probably wouldn't show up even if I waited... Ah, mother...' Carsein sighed.

"It's getting kinda late..." The red-haired with clear-blue eyes muttered. "I need to get going now, I'm sorry father, brother. Please send mother my regards, I'm sorry but I couldn't wait any longer."

"Alright, then. Be careful on your journey." Arkint reminded. "Also don't forget to write to us!"

"Sure thing!"

After saying that, Carsein galloped away from the Rass duchy. Leaving that place for who knows how long.

It didn't take long before he arrived at the Monique family's house. A carriage is spotted in front of the entrance, with several people standing at the front gate. Among those people were a silver-haired middle-aged man and his young daughter.

Carsein hopped down from his horse and greeted the two. "Greetings, Marquis Monique and Lady Aristia. I'm sorry for making you wait."

"It's alright sir Carsein, I we've just finished getting ready a few minutes ago." Keirean answered. "I'm sorry for making you go on a trip with my daughter when you must have things to do."

"Oh, no. I'm the one who suggested the trip, so you don't need to worry about it, Marquis. In fact, I'm delighted that Lady Aristia agreed to go on a trip with me."

The silver-haired man's eyebrows twitched, along with the curve he drew on his lips, his expression darkened, and the surrounding air went cold. "Sly brat, don't get all cocky just because Tia agreed to go on a trip with you. If only I could take a leave from work then I would be the one going on this trip with her, not you." is written all over his face.


Chills ran down the red-haired's spine. 'Did I do something wrong?' he thought.

"Fine then," The silver-haired man turned towards his daughter. "Are you sure you don't need me to come with you?"

A pair of golden gems wavered, looking slightly down. "I'm alright daddy." she uttered. "I have Rina and sir Lieg with me, and there's Carsein as well. I'll be fine, don't worry."

Keirean expressed a sad smile on his face. Kind of disappointed at the fact that his daughter did not ask him to come along with her on the trip. But deep down he knew that his precious jewel is just being considerate at the fact that he can't leave the capital for a long time.

"Alright." The middle-aged man said as he sighed, and turned to look at Carsein. "Well then, I'll leave my daughter in your care, sir Carsein."

"Yes, sir."

Carsein handed his horse to a servant who will come along in the journey, and stood beside the carriage as he waits for the silver-haired lady.

"I'll write you letters, daddy." Aristia hugged her father. "Please be well."

"You too, Tia." He hugged her back.

After a while, the two parted and Aristia approached the carriage. Carsein took out his hand to help her enter the carriage. The silver-haired placed her palm on top of his and climbed up the carriage. The red-haired followed after, and so did Rina.

The carriage departed. Aristia fixed her eyes looking out at the window, where her father and the Monique servants were still outside, sending them off. She waved at them, and before long, the Monique Manor disappeared from her sight.


Noon that day, they arrived at a small town called Guirdeano, where they will rest and spend the rest of the day there before continuing their journey to the Monique Estate. The carriage stopped in front of a purple-colored building. The sign "Orchid Inn" indicated on the entrance.

"My lady, sir Carsein, we will stop today's journey here and spend the night in this inn." A servant informed. "We will be dropping some of the luggages that you will need for tonight, do you want to rest immediately or would you want to explore the town?"

"Hmm..." The silver-haired girl mumbled, looking perplexed. "I think we'll just explore the town tomorrow since it's kinda late now. What do you think, Carsein?"

"Well, we're not exactly rushing to the Monique estate, so, how about we rest for the day?" The red-haired answered.

"Okay then, I guess we'll just rest for the rest of the day." She informed the servant.

"Understood, m'lady." The servant nodded. "Would you like dinner to have dinner in your room or would you have it in the restaurant?"

"Let's just have it in the restaurant." Carsein butted in. "You're okay with that right?"

"Yeah, sure."

Thereafter, they are guided to their respective rooms and rested. When dinner time arrived, the red-haired went to Aristia's room, escorting her to the restaurant.

"Wow, the view here sure is nice."

The golden orbs stared at the dark city night, slowly filled by glimmering lights that lit up the streets and houses. A curve formed on the girl's lips.

Carsein stole a glance at her, and slightly blushed.

"Yeah, beautiful indeed."



EVERYONEEEE!!!!! I can't believe a year has passed since I first published this story!!! Thank you guys for always supporting [Zyczenia] and following up to this story until now despite the irregular updates 😭

Also, thank you for the 9K views!!! This is truly a miracle for a novice writer like me... I really love you guys, so please keep supporting this story and read [Zyczenia] up to the end.

Thank you so much and have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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