Chapter 12: The Dance

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"By imperial tradition, the crown prince, Ruveliss Kamaluddin Shana Castina will now be crowned as an adult." The Emperor, Mirkan Lu Shana Castina announced, and handed a crown and a sword to the blue-haired. "Glory to the Empire."

"Congratulations, your highness!"

"Glory to the Empire!"

The whole ballroom cheered. Congratulating the sole heir of the Empire who have just reached adulthood. Despite the commotion, a silver-haired girl stood still with an cold expression, and lifeless pair of eyes.

"Thank you for coming here and congratulating me on this important day." Ruveliss thanked the crowd. "Please enjoy tonight's banquet to the fullest."

"Thank you, your highness!"

People started roaming around finding their social circle to talk about either politics, business, or even gossip. Aristia sighed. She avoided the crowd and slowly walked away from the ballroom. Carsein took two glasses of refreshments and followed the girl out.

'I shouldn't ask her about the weed, should I?'

He stared at the girl who looked at the night sky with lifeless eyes. Slowly, he approached the girl and stood beside her. The girl noticed his presence and looked to her right, where the red-haired stood.

"Want some lime squash?" Carsein asked, offering the glass that he held on his right hand.

"What are you doing here?" The girl ignored his offer, asking another question herself.

"Gee, you're so cold... At least take my offer first before asking another question."

The girl sighed. She took the glass on his right hand. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, my lady." The red-haired smiled.

Aristia stared at the red-haired who smiled at her, and curved her lips. "Shouldn't you answer my question now?"

"Ah, right." The red-haired recalled. "I came to get some fresh air. Its quite stuffy inside, don't you think so?"

The silver-haired girl chuckled. "Ah, is that so?"


The sound of music started playing from inside the ballroom. Aristia turned around as she heard the music start.

'Is she gonna head inside now?'

But a moment after, she turned around, looking away from the ballroom again. Staring at the moon which shines in the sky. Carsein stayed silent the whole time.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" Aristia asked out of the blue.



"Ah..." Carsein nodded his head, as if he understood what she's getting at. "Would you like to dance?"

"Pfftt!" The girl held her laughter in. "I didn't mean it that way..."

"Eh? I'm 100% serious, though."


Surprised, her eyes widened. The red-haired put his glass down and stepped forward. He moved his left hand to his back and stretched his right hand out, his back slightly bowing down. Looking at the silver-haired girl straight in the eye.

"Lady Aristia, would you grant me the honor of dancing with you?"

Aristia froze, thinking of a way to reject his offer.

"Carsein, there are many eyes watching..."

"Hey, this should be okay between friends right? No one's gonna bother paying attention to us if we dance here anyways."


"No buts. Just give me an answer, 'yes' or 'no'. Which is it?"


"Hey, come on, hurry up my arm's killing me..."


The silver-haired girl placed her left hand on top of Carsein's right hand, then positioned each of their empty hands on a ballroom-dancing posture. The second song started, and they danced along the melody.

"I never knew you're good at dancing." Aristia uttered in a surprising tone.

"Hey, what do you take me for? Despite being hooked to sword-fighting I'm still the son of a Duke. This is something that I need to learn no matter how much I hate it."

"Ah, that's right. Sorry, I forgot."

"Gee... I'm disappointed, my lady. I know I acted like a brat most of the time, but how can you take me as a real brat in this kind of situation?"

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, Sir Carsein." The girl chuckled, and continued to dance following the rhythm of the song. "But seriously, why aren't you asking me anything?"

"What do you mean? I asked you for a dance."

"Hey, I'm not stupid. I know you noticed something between me and Allendis."

Carsein stayed silent, thinking of the answer he would give. "I'm just gonna stay silent until you would tell me about it."


"What I mean is, I won't ask you anything unless you will tell me about it first. I want you to be able to trust me so that you won't feel bothered when you talk about your problems."

"'re so different..."


"You." A voice interrupted their conversation. The silver-haired girl flinched, and stopped right on the spot. The same goes to Carsein.

"Your highness..." Aristia muttered.

Ruveliss, the crown prince approached the two.

"I've been looking for you for a while now, what are you doing here? Let's get back inside." The blue-haired said, reaching out his right hand, offering to escort her.

"Yes, your highness." Aristia nodded, and placed her left hand on top of his right. Right before they walked away, the silver-haired girl glanced at Carsein with a sweet smile on her face. "Thanks, Carsein."

The two walked away. Back into the ballroom. Leaving the red-haired young man alone in the balcony.

'Thanks, Carsein.'

He recalled her smile when she uttered those words. That was the sweetest and the most sincere smile she has ever shown him. His lips curved up and his ears blushed.

'At least she seemed to be feeling better now.'


"Lady Monique." A voice called out.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Would you grant me an honor of being my first dance partner as an adult?" Ruveliss asked, reaching out his right hand, his expression showing an insincere smile.

"...It is an honor for me... your highness." Whether she liked it or not, she has to accept his offer.

She placed her left hand on the hand he reached out and walked to the dance floor together. Standing at the center of the dance floor, and before long, the music starts.

"Why did you leave your position for so long? You're supposed to be on standby as the first song of the day starts."

"Please forgive me, your highness. It felt a little stuffy in the ballroom so I went out to get some fresh air."

"It felt stuffy? If that's the case then you should've immediately came back once you've taken a breath of fresh air."

"Please forgive me, your highness. I will make sure it won't happen again."


"Yes, your highness?"

"I've been wondering since a long time ago... why do you always avoid making eye contact with me?"

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