Chapter 6: Collapse

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"Okay, you can stop now."

Once the red-haired gave her instructions to stop, Aristia immediately stopped performing her sword-fighting skills.

She turned her head towards Carsein, while still trying to catch some breath, her golden eyes stared at him with a curious and at the same time, a desperate look.

"How... hhh.. did I do?" The silver-haired girl asked.

The golden eyes met his sky-blue orbs, after a brief moment, Carsein sighed.

'Never changes, huh... still the same as the previous time.'

"Look, I'm just gonna be brutally honest with you." The red-haired guy uttered. "Your basics are okay, but the rest sucks."

"As you can see, I am currently stuck in training. My father and the knights from the 2nd squadron all went on the expedition, so I have no one to help me in training and give me advice. Can you please tell me what I should do to improve my training?"

"Well, the first thing you need to do is fix that posture of yours. Your sloppy posture makes it look like you're flopping around while swinging the sword."

Aristia lifted her finger up to her lips, which she often does when she is thinking. Carsein lifted up the corners of his lips.

'That habit never changes...'

"Stamina is the key, lady Aristia."


"If you have more stamina, you will be able to withstand training on building your muscles and fixing your posture."

"I see. Then what should I do to improve my stamina, sir Carsein?"

"Work-out daily, eat proper meals, not just vegetables. Try to increase your normal training slowly but steadily. Don't even think about using sandbags. It'll only ruin your joints."

"Ah, yes. Thank you for helping me, sir Carsein. I am truly grateful to you."

"No worries, I'll assist you with your training, as well. Let's train at the your house. I'll go to your house everyday starting tomorrow."

"Pardon? Is it okay to train at my house? I mean, I'm the one asking for help, so shouldn't I be the one coming to the Rass' manor?"

"It's fine, you'll get tired if you come here everyday. It's better if I just go to your house."


Before Aristia can say anything else, the red-haired young man cut her off.

"No more 'buts'. I'm fine with it so let's just go along with it, okay?" Carsein grinned.

After pausing for a while, the silver haired girl finally smiled and bowed to him.

"Thank you for your kindness. Then I'll be in your care from now on, sir Carsein."

"Stop with the 'sir'. Just call me by my name from now on."


"Hey, we're going to see each other everyday from now on. Wouldn't it be better to speak comfortably? Let's just drop the horrifics. Okay, Aristia?"

The red-haired young man raised his right hand, offering a handshake. The silver-haired girl stood still. After a while, she raised her right hand, returning his handshake.

"Alright, please take care of me, Carsein."

"Likewise, Aristia."


A week has passed since their meeting at the Rass manor. Carsein has been coming in-and-out of the Monique residence for the past week, helping out the silver-haired girl's training.

Clang! Clang!

The sound of two swords hitting each other is filled the training field. Aristia would usually train here with the knights from the 2nd Squadron, but now its only Carsein and her.

Clang! Clunk!

Carsein focused and observed her movements from head-to-toe while training her.

'She sure has gotten better, but something feels off...'

"Let's take a short break." Carsein suggested.

"" The girl nodded, catching her breath.

Carsein wiped his sweating face, and then looked at Aristia who was walking towards the bench.

'Wait a second...'

Carsein ran after the girl, and held her hand.

'Her hand, it's warm...'

"Hey, are you okay? Your face looks pale."

"Hmm...? What do you... mea..." the girl staggered.

"Hey!" Carsein caught her just in time before she collapses to the ground.

"Lady Tia!" A maid exclaimed, it was Rina, Aristia's personal maid.

Carsein raised his right hand and placed it on top of the girl's forehead.

'She's burning up!'

Carsein took the silver-haired girl in his arms and lifted her up.

"Call the doctor! She's running a fever! Also, I'll carry her to her room so take me there."

"Please follow me, sir Carsein." Rina led the way to Aristia's room.


As soon as the doctor arrived, he immediately checked the silver-haired girl's condition.

"How is she, doctor?" The red-haired asked, his clear-blue eyes filled with worry.

"It seems that the lady collapsed due to overworking."


"Yes, but she's okay now. All she needs is a good rest. She's currently sleeping right now. Also, please prevent her from working for a few days and let her rest. That way, she'll recover faster."

"Alright. Thank you, doctor."

The doctor left the room with the butler. Now, the only ones inside are Carsein and Rina. The clear-blue eyes scanned the entire room. Then, he found a pile of books and papers on top of a desk.

He approached the desk, and took a paper.

'Monique Estate Finance Report.'

Then, he took another one, and another one. Everything he read is related to the management if the Monique household.

'She's been managing this all by herself?'

He turned his head and fixed his eyes on the sleeping silver-haired girl. Slowly, he approached the girl and stared at her face. Eyebags can be seen under her eye.

'In the past, you collapsed due to straining your muscles and overworking. Now, you also collapsed due to overworking...'

Carsein looked out of the window. The moon is now out in the sky.

'I should go back now, if I stay any longer rumors will spread.'

"I'll be leaving for the night, I'll come back tomorrow. And you, can you put those papers away from this room? I'm afraid she'll start working once she wakes up."

"I will, sir Carsein. Please get back home safely."

The clear-blue eyes glanced at the silver-haired girl, who was sleeping soundly. Then he left the room with a heavy heart.

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